The Council of Europe’s Steering Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI) and Gender Equality Commission (GEC) have been tasked by the Committee of Ministers to prepare a Recommendation on Equality and Artificial Intelligence. This Recommendation will provide non-binding guidance for member states and other key stakeholders. It builds upon the Study on the impact of artificial intelligence systems, their potential for promoting equality, including gender equality, and the risks they may cause in relation to non-discrimination (2023).
A draft Recommendation has now been prepared by the Committee of Experts on Artificial Intelligence, Equality and Discrimination (GEC/ADI-AI). Following the 3rd meeting of the GEC/ADI-AI, a public written consultation will now be held on the draft Recommendation, from 10 March 2025 to 28 April 2025. The purpose of this consultation is to ensure that the text benefits from the views of the broadest possible range of stakeholders, prior to its finalisation and submission to the parent committees, namely the GEC and the CDADI, and its adoption, in turn, by the Committee of Ministers.
To participate in the public consultation, please follow this link for more information.