Back International SYNERGY conference to address violence against Roma women in Sofia

The conference in Bulgaria builds on knowledge gained from the study visit organised by Council of Europe for SYNERGY members to Strasbourg in November 2022

The conference in Bulgaria builds on knowledge gained from the study visit organised by Council of Europe for SYNERGY members to Strasbourg in November 2022

An international conference on ensuring Roma women's right to be free from violence will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria on 15 June 2023, by the SYNERGY Network against Gender-based and Domestic Violence. The event, co-constructed with Roma professionals and rights activists and funded through Norway Grants’ Bulgarian Home Affairs Programme, will highlight European examples of promising practices in addressing violence against Roma women. Parallels to the experience of women from the Sámi communities of Norway with also be discussed at the international gathering.

The conference's objective is to work together for a Europe free from violence against women, with a particular focus on ensuring the safety and protection of Roma and Traveller women. The conference will be a significant opportunity for governmental and non-governmental members of the SYNERGY Network, responsible for addressing violence against women in 17 EU countries, to share their experiences and discuss promising practice across Council of Europe’s member states.

The conference will be complemented by a meeting of the SYNERGY Network, where a Manual on the topic will be discussed. Presentation of the Manual is expected to take place in Iceland at the European Conference on Domestic Violence in September 2023.

The European Institute Foundation and the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security are partnering to host this International SYNERGY Conference, with the active involvement of the Council of Europe.

The Council of Europe is the main international partner of the SYNERGY Network and acts as International Partner Organisation in EEA and Norway Grants programmes on issues of gender-based violence in the Bulgarian Home Affairs and Justice Programmes, and in Romania, Lithuania and Slovakia.


For more information, you can see relevant articles from the SYNERGY Network against gender based and domestic violence:

 Gender equality for Roma communities, Published on 27 April 2023

 The value of bilateral cooperation regarding domestic and gender-based violence in Bulgaria, Published on 11 April 2023

 Upcoming conference: How to ensure Roma women's rights to be free from violence? Published on 15 March 2023

 A new website promotes good practices on Roma inclusion, Published on 3 March 2023

 Violence in Sámi communities: From too frightened to touch, to openness, Published on 14 November 2022

 Extending the legal aid provision system for women, children and Roma, Published on 15 May 2021

Sofia, Bulgaria 16/05/2023
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