Back Learn all about sexism with a new Council of Europe brochure

Learn all about sexism with a new Council of Europe brochure

A new brochure to give insights about what sexism is and how to prevent it was just published by the Council of Europe. This new tool is part of the Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it! Campaign launched in 2019 to promote the implementation of Recommendation (CM/Rec (2019) 1 on preventing and combating sexism. The brochure looks at what sexism is, at its impacts and at the persons it affects. The aim is to provide the public at large with a better understanding of sexism as it manifests every day in the work place, in the court room, at school, at home or in culture and sports and to look at ways in which everyone can play a role to mobilise against it. Check also the other communication tools of the campaign, including an action page, a video and a quiz, all available in many languages.

Strasbourg 08/10/2020
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