This project aims at strengthening the capacities and co-operation among stakeholders to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence, including digital violence, as enshrined in the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention), and at advancing de facto gender equality and women’s empowerment.

About the project

This new project builds on the lessons learned from the previous project "The path towards Armenia's ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence" which ended in December 2022.

The project provides support in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment (WE) and combating violence against women (VAW) and domestic violence (DV) by increasing knowledge, enhancing inter-agency co-operation line with European standards and best practices. The project's long-term impact expectation is that women in Armenia benefit from gender equality and protection against all forms of violence against women.

The project contributes to the Council of Europe’s Action Plan for Armenia for 2023–2024 so that:

  • Armenia is better prepared for the ratification of the Istanbul Convention;
  • the Armenian legal and policy framework on preventing and combating domestic violence is in line with Council of Europe standards;
  • women victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence, including the most disadvantaged, have better access to justice and support services;
  • law enforcement officers, social workers, and other relevant professionals have a better understanding of European standards and gender-sensitive approaches related to the work with victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence;
  • gender equality and women’s empowerment are better promoted and the Armenian legal and policy framework on gender mainstreaming in education are in line with Council of Europe standards.

The project will act in two areas:


  Study “Electronic monitoring in interpersonal violence cases: standards, principles and state practices” ENG/ARM