A free online course on on Access to Justice for Women has been prepared in the framework of the Council of Europe Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) Programme.


This online course covers in an interactive way a comprehensive overview of International and European women’s human rights and gender equality standards, case-law and established good practices. Using the lens of women’s access to justice, it will offer legal professionals in Europe a distinct and concrete tool for the promotion of gender-sensitive justice. It is the first HELP course to provide a single resource on gender equality and justice covering the extensive Council of Europe standards, case law, monitoring reports and soft-law instruments on the matter.



The course is developed in an interactive way and includes various practical exercises.

It consists of 6 modules:

  • Introduction to the concept of Access to Justice
  • The International and European Legal Framework
  • Discrimination on the grounds of Sex and Gender
  • Avoiding Gender Stereotyping
  • Practical Guidance to Improve Women’s Access to Justice
  • Gender Sensitive Approach to the Practice of Law

Access to the HELP online platform