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Back The 15 complaints for alleged violation of equal pay for women and men have been declared admissible by the European Committee of Social Rights

The 15 complaints for alleged violation of equal pay for women and men have been declared admissible by the European Committee of Social Rights

The European Committee of Social Rights declared admissible the 15 complaints lodged by University Women of Europe in 2016 for alleged violation of the rights to work, to fair remuneration, and to equal opportunities and equal treatment in employment and occupation without discrimination on the grounds of sex. The next step in the procedure will be the decision by the Committee on the merits of each of the complaints.

Strasbourg 27 July 2017
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Gender equality is an important policy goal of the Council of Europe. Priority areas of intervention are defined by the Gender Equality Strategy 2024-2029 and working methods include intergovernmental work, cooperation projects and gender mainstreaming.

 At a glance


Joining forces with women’s organisations and civil society

On 11-12 July 2024, in Budapest, the Gender Equality Division organised the conference “Synergy for change: Civil society raising awareness on violence against women in a context of global challenges”.

The event bring together 91 participants especially from civil society organisations (CSOs) active in preventing and combating violence against women which are key partners in promoting and monitoring the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combatting violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention).

What was our aim?

  • Foster exchanges among civil society, experts, international organisations and experts across Europe.
  • Share promising practices of the use of the Council of Europe, Women Against Violence Europe Network (WAVE) and  UN Women methodology, advocacy resources and tools.
  • Enhance the ability of civil society to promote the Istanbul Convention, advocate for end violence against women and promote gender equality, including addressing new topics and challenges.
  • Define the ways forward to join forces to advance gender equality in Europe and beyond with a Call for action.

The conference paid special attention to new and ongoing challenges, such as the digital dimension of violence against women, the backlash against gender equality, and other global issues. The event comprised general plenaries, group work, and a World Café. It had opened with a video greeting from Jeroen Schokkenbroek, Director of Equal Rights and Dignity of the Council of Europe.

The Conference was organised within the framework of the Council of Europe Ending violence against women: multi-country programme.

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In March 2019, the Committee of Ministers adopted the Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism: it calls for specific action in respect of language and communication; internet and social media; media, advertising and other communication methods; workplace; public sector; justice sector; education institutions; culture and sport and the private sphere. An action page and a brochure give concrete guidance regarding the implementation of the Recommendation.

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Migrant women and girls

In May 2022, the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers adopted the Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)17 on protecting the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls. The Recommendation brings together the provisions of existing Council of Europe and international standards and the policies that can best ensure the empowerment and protection of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls.

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