Awareness-raising Activities on the Istanbul Convention in the Republic of Moldova (2020-2021)

This project aimed to raise awareness on the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) in the Republic of Moldova.
The Istanbul Convention is widely recognised as one of the main legal standards and the most comprehensive international treaty to tackle violence against women and domestic violence, which is a serious violation of the human rights of women.
Through co-operation work with the Moldovan authorities the activities implemented contributed to bringing clarity to the aim and provisions set out in the Istanbul Convention, and provided tools to the Moldovan authorities to set standards in the field of violence against women and domestic violence. The activities contributed to paving the way towards the ratification of the Istanbul Convention by the Republic of Moldova.
Main activities
To raise awareness on the content of the Istanbul Convention and to provide a better understanding of its aim and provisions, the project completed the following activities:
- Development of materials on the Istanbul Convention for the general public and specialised audiences, dispelling misconceptions and with clear messages on the Istanbul Convention;
- A social media and online campaign to promote the visibility materials prepared under the project and to raise awareness on the aim and content of the Istanbul Convention, as well as its benefits;
- Events to promote the convention’s ratification in light of the 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the Istanbul Convention.
Advancing towards the ratification and implementation of the Istanbul Convention: good practices from states parties ENG / ROM
Infographics on the four pillars of the Istanbul Convention - ROM / RUS
Brochure on the four pillars of the Istanbul Convention - ROM / RUS
Myths and facts about the Istanbul Convention - ENG / ROM / RUS
How the system will need to be improved after ratification - ENG / ROM / RUS
Moldovan authorities
This project was implemented within the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova 2017-2020 and funded with Action Plan-level funds provided by:
The project was implemented by
the Capacity Building and Co-operation Projects Unit at the Council of Europe’s Gender Equality Division
Marta BECERRA, Head of Unit
Larissa KIREEVA, Project Manager
Evelin TUKORA, Unit Assistant