The multi-country programme promotes a comprehensive approach to fight violence against women and domestic violence and focuses on the prevention of violence, protection of the victims and the prosecution of the perpetrators.



Photo: John Gomez, Shutterstock


Joining forces with women’s organisations and civil society

On 11-12 July 2024, in Budapest, the Gender Equality Division will organise the conference “Synergy for change: Civil society raising awareness on violence against women in a context of global challenges.

The event will bring together around 100 participants especially from civil society organisations (CSOs) active in preventing and combating violence against women which are key partners in promoting and monitoring the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combatting violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention).

What are we aiming at?

  • Foster exchanges among civil society, experts, international organisations and experts across Europe.
  • Share promising practices of the use of the Council of Europe, Women Against Violence Europe Network (WAVE) and  UN Women methodology, advocacy resources and tools.
  • Enhance the ability of civil society to promote the Istanbul Convention, advocate for end violence against women and promote gender equality, including addressing new topics and challenges.
  • Define the ways forward to join forces to advance gender equality in Europe and beyond with a Call for action.

The conference will pay special attention to new and ongoing challenges, such as the digital dimension of violence against women, the backlash against gender equality, and other global issues. The event will comprise general plenaries, group work, and a World Café. It will open with a video greeting from Jeroen Schokkenbroek, Director of Equal Rights and Dignity of the Council of Europe.

The Conference is organised within the framework of the Council of Europe Ending violence against women: multi-country programme.

 Concept note


 Read more

about the programme

The multi-country programme generates knowledge and tools to the benefit of member and non-member states but also provides focused, flexible, responsive and tailor-made support to the beneficiary countries in the area of preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, based on the Council of Europe’s standards in this area, in particular the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention).

A particular focus is made on enhancing knowledge and understanding on the Istanbul Convention among authorities and local stakeholders and generally, to promote ratification and implementation in support of the recommendations of the Group of Experts on Action against Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) where available.

The programme provides support upon request of interested authorities.

Main activities

The programme is conceived to:

  • Deliver research, needs assessment, gap analysis of key and emerging topics on violence against women and domestic violence, namely, sexual violence, online violence against women, COVID-19 impact on gender equality and violence against women;
  • Develop tools and materials aiming at raising awareness of the Istanbul Convention standards on gender equality and violence against women among key stakeholders, including government officials, members of Parliament (MPs), NGOs, the private sector and the media;
  • Provide specialist advice on anti-violence strategies, co-ordination among relevant agencies, and policy issues in line with the Istanbul Convention;
  • Provide advice and assistance in reviewing laws and regulations and preparing legal analysis on violence against women and the implementation of the Istanbul Convention by facilitating peer-to-peer exchange with other member states;
  • Provide detailed legal and operational advice and assistance in relation to setting up and/or developing the relevant institutions and mechanisms, such as co-ordinating bodies, protocols for delivering services and/or staff training to ensure the implementation of the Istanbul Convention.

1 January 2022 – 31 December 2025


This programme is open for voluntary contributions.

The Council of Europe accepts voluntary contributions from member states, and from other sources, including observer states, non-member states, the European Union, International Organisations, foundations, the private sector and individuals who share the goals and values of the Organisation. For more information on how to contribute, please contact the Directorate of Programme Coordination

VIDEO - 10 years of the Istanbul Convention
Awareness raising

  Civil society campaigns

 Methodology and advocacy tools to raise awareness on the Istanbul Convention

Main outcomes