Preventing and Combating Violence against Women in Armenia (2018)
The Council of Europe focused on increasing the knowledge of professionals and facilitating exchange and best practice on the implementation of the new Armenian law on domestic violence and relevant European standards, in particular, the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention).
The project contributed to the implementation of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2015–2018.
The project objectives were:
- To increase the knowledge of legal professionals on taking a victim’s cantered approach when dealing with the cases of violence against women and domestic violence. This approach will be implemented through targeted trainings, peer-to-peer exchanges and expert support to develop a training curriculum for the Academy of Justice.
- To strengthen the knowledge of law enforcement professionals on violence against women and domestic violence issues through targeted trainings and the development of a practical handbook for police officers to deal with cases and dissemination of relevant materials.
- To raise awareness on the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention and its standards among relevant stakeholders
Academia of Justice
Police of Armenia
With the support of the Council of Europe's Office in Armenia, the Council of Europe co-operated with different state insitutions, non-governemental organisations and international organisations and donor organisations.
The project was implemented by
the Capacity Building and Co-operation Projects Unit at the Council of Europe’s Gender Equality Division
together with