Historical gardens
1. Contributing to the building of a voluntary countries network;
2. Promoting the exchange of information and know-how;
3. Promoting international and national activities on gardens;
4. Raising awareness of different audiences.
The HEREIN in garden network aims to provide information at international level (on actors, legislation...) and at national level (on authorities responsible and other actors, legislation, documentation, awareness actions, protection measures, training...)
Photo: Ambleville castle's garden, France, 2010, © MH Bénetière
European Rendez-vous in Gardens
As part of the European Year of Heritage in 2018 and inspired by the previous 14 French editions of "Rendez-vous aux Jardins", a first joint European event on Gardens took place in 16 countries.
On the model of the European Heritage Days, the objective is to secure this event with the countries already participating and to extend these "Rendezvous in Gardens" to other European countries.
The number of participating countries has regularly increased: 21 countries are now participating simultaneously, on the same theme and with the same visual adapted in the national languages.
European Rendez-vous in Gardens 2025: Stone gardens - garden stones
7th edition of the European Rendez-vous in the Gardens: a growing success ...