Back 7th edition of the European Rendez-vous in the Gardens: a growing success ...

7th edition of the European Rendez-vous in the Gardens: a growing success ...

The 2024 edition of the Rendez-vous in the Gardens, organized from 31 May to 2 June on the theme "The five senses in the Garden", saw the participation of 3,075 gardens in Europe, including 2,305 in  France (including 266 first-time participations and 149 exceptional openings) and 770 gardens in 21 other participating countries:

 Andorra,  Belgium,  Croatia,  Czechia,  Estonia,  Finland,  Germany,  Hungary,  Italy,  Latvia,  Lithuania,  Luxembourg,  Monaco,  Netherlands,  Poland,  Portugal,  Romania,  Slovak Republic,  Slovenia,  Spain,  Switzerland.

This year's theme, which was highly acclaimed, gave rise to a wide variety of activities: workshops, concerts, shows, sensory tours, etc. to touch, listen, smell, taste, admire the gardens. Thanks go to the many private and public owners as well as all the actors of the European Garden Industry, without whom this event could not be organised.

In 2025, the European Garden Meetings will be held on Friday 6, Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 June and will focus on the theme "Stone gardens - garden stones", with the study day used to prepare this new theme to be held on Wednesday 12 February 2025.

Strasbourg 9 juin 2024
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