Other activities in the framework of the programme include seminars and symposia dedicated to specific human rights and human rights education topics.


Some of these activities include:


 Consultative meeting “ Applying intersectionality in the youth field”

24-26 February 2021

Report of the Consultative meeting “ Applying intersectionality in the youth field” >>

Introductory seminars on human rights and democratic citizenship education for youth leaders and activists in Azerbaijan

24 May - 31 July 2021

Human Rights Forum & Fair - Learning to live together

8 - 9 December 2017

The Human Rights Forum & Fair of the European Youth Centre Budapest has been regularly organised to take stock of the state of human rights and citizenship education in Hungary.

The 2017 edition of the activity brought together a broad spectrum of activists, trainers, teachers, and other practitioners and stakeholders to continue the conversation about the possible future of human rights and citizenship education in Hungary and with the aim of supporting the field in Hungary by providing information on developments on the European level regarding human rights and citizenship education and their relevance to Hungary and associate participants with the Human Rights Education Youth Programme.

Human Rights Forum & Fair - Learning Equality. Living Diversity

10-11 December 2016

The Human Rights Forum & Fair of the European Youth Centre Budapest has been regularly organised to take stock of the state of human rights and citizenship education in Hungary.

The 2016 Forum revealed an abundance of innovative and worthy initiatives but also highlighted lack of cooperation amongst the practitioners, dearth of resources, lack of clarity on the preferences of donors, and inadequate presence of human rights and citizenship education in the formal school setting.

Seminar Gender Equality Matters! Understanding and integrating gender equality in intercultural youth activities of the Council of Europe and its partners

1-3 June 2016 

Conclusions of the Seminar Gender Equality Matters! >>

Seminar Remembrance and learning from the Second World War

19-22 May 2015  

Video: Highlights from a week of seminars at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg, devoted to learning from World War Two >>