Implementing Actions
States have been engaging in a wide range of initiatives, policies, and actions to implement the UN Guiding Principles and in the field of Human Rights and Business in general. A non-exhaustive selection of these actions appears below.
The list can be sorted by State and by each of the Three Pillars of the UN Guiding Principles by using the filters to the right. Clear the filters to view the whole list again.
Advisory Board for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility
The Advisory Board for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility is an auxiliary body to the Minister of Investment and Economic Development, created in May 2018.
Anti-corruption measures and remedies applicable to companies
Law No. 2016-1691 of 9 December 2016 on transparency, the fight against corruption and the modernisation of economic life, known as "Sapin II", strengthened the French legal system for the prevention and detection of corruption. It also requires compliance measures and programmes in certain types...
Better Work Programme
In the framework of economic development cooperation and in collaboration with the International Labor Organization (ILO), a number of member States' Ministries and development agencies work to promote the implementation of the fundamental ILO Conventions. It is within this framework that,...
Brochure on the responsibility of business enterprises for human rights violations: Access to justice and the courts
The German Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection has published a brochure to inform on when and how persons affected by business related human rights violations can turn to German courts to hold companies accountable.
Class Action Act
The Act on Class Actions has introduced the institution of collective actions and collective settlements into the Slovenian judicial system (2017/2018).
Commodity Trading Sector: a guide to good practice
The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) have published a guide to good practice in the field of human rights for the Commodity Trading Sector.
Comparative analysis of judicial and non-judicial measures providing access to redress
The Federal Administration mandated the Swiss Centre of Expertise in Human Rights (CSDE) and the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (ISDC) to develop a study on judicial and non-judicial measures in other States that facilitate access by victims of human rights violations caused by an enterprise...
Cooperation with National Human Rights Institutions in partner countries
The Colombian Defensoría del Pueblo (Defensoría) and the German Institute for Human Rights (Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte, DIMR), the National Human Rights Institutions of Colombia and Germany, respectively, started a cooperation in October 2015 to address business-related human rights...
Corporate Duty of Vigilance
The French due diligence law for parent companies came into effect on 27 March 2017, requiring certain large companies to establish and effectively implement a due diligence plan.
Corporate Social Responsibility reporting for large companies
Since legislation in 2009, large Danish companies have had a legal obligation report on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting – also known as the comply-or-explain model. In 2015 the Danish Parliament revised the regulations due to the EU-directive on non-financial reporting.
Corporate Social Responsibility Subsidy Programmes
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs aims to support business entities in fulfilling their corporate responsibility to respect through two subsidy programs focused on helping businesses in their international value chains and Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs).
CSR Sector Risk Assessment
In 2014 the Dutch Government commissioned a sector risk assessment (SRA) from KPMG that analysed the risks of particular sectors of the Dutch economy operating internationally.
Due Diligence under the Swiss Insurance against Export Risks Act (LASRE) and its Ordinance (OASRE)
The Swiss Insurance against Export Risks (SERV) insures the risks associated with export transactions and offers insurance to exporters, banks and associations against the risks that private insurers do not cover.
Entrepreneurial education on responsible business conduct
The Acting Minister of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of Georgia adopted and approved the Action Plan for Implementation of Continuing Entrepreneurial Education (LLEL) for all levels of the education system.
ExperTS Programme
The ExperTS programme uses as system of advisers - knows as "ExperTS" - to provide support and guidance to businesses and promote sustainable business practices around the world; and aims to facilitate the conditions under which companies can become involved in development policy activities in...
Explaining Human Rights Due Diligence
The German NAP spells out a common concept of human rights due diligence (HRDD) that it expects companies to implement. It defines 5 “core elements” of HRDD in line with the UNGPs and gives companies brief overviews of the main features of each core element. This allows companies to get a better...
Federal Law on Private Security Provision Abroad (LPSP) and its Ordinance (OPSP)
The LPSP submits the provision of Swiss private security services abroad to a mandatory declaration and, where appropriate, a review procedure. In addition, all companies covered by the LPSP are required to join the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Companies (ICoCA) Association.
Federal Law on Public Procurement (LMP) and its Ordinance (OMP)
The Swiss Federal Council supports the manufacture and consumption of goods, services and works that meet high economic, ecological and social requirements throughout their life cycle. The Confederation aims to set the example by purchasing goods and services or by constructing buildings that are...
Foreign Trade and Investment Promotion Scheme – Review of Environmental, Social and Human Rights aspects (ESHR)
Respect for human rights is included within the Foreign Trade and Investment Promotion Scheme. The Federal Government expects the projects benefitting from investment, export credit or untied loan guarantees to adhere to relevant applicable ESHR standards.
Gender balanced representation on boards of directors and professional equality
Law No. 2011-103 of 27 January 2011 provided rules for the balanced representation of women and men on boards of directors. It requires the search for parity in companies whose securities are admitted on a regulated market, and eventually, in companies that meet certain criteria of turnover and...
Guidance Tool for Business: "Doing Business with Respect for Human Rights"
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned and funded a guidance document for businesses, developed by Shift, Oxfam and the Netherlands Global Compact Network and published in 2016.
Information portal on BHR and CSR
A comprehensive web page operated by the Ministry of Industry and Trade makes available all necessary information on Business and Human Rights (BHR) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) including the Czech National Action Plan, the UNGP's and other other materials from the Czech authorities,...
International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC) Agreements
In 2014, the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER) recommended concluding multistakeholder agreements promoting international responsible business conduct (IRBC agreements) in each sector.
Mapping of State-based judicial and non judicial remedy mechanisms
To support the Belgian government in the implementation of legislative or administrative measures to reinforce the Third Pillar of the UNGPs, and to clarify the situation for individuals and stakeholders, a mapping study of State-based judicial and non-judicial mechanism was commissioned by the...
Non-Contentious Procedure Act
The new Non-Contentious Procedure Act strengthens the Slovenian courts’ obligation to perform all such acts which are necessary for the protection of rights and interests of minors and other persons who are not capable of protecting their rights and interests by themselves due to mental illness...
Partnership with Industry for the translation of OECD Guidance
A government initiative established a stakeholder partnership for the purpose of translating the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector into Polish.
Platform for supporting women entrepreneurs
The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia established a platform to identify women entrepreneurs’ needs.
Protection of whistleblowers
The law of 9 December 2016 on transparency, the fight against corruption and the modernisation of economic life, known as the "Sapin II" law, supplemented and harmonised the existing legislative framework in respect of whistleblowers.
Responsible Business Conduct in trade missions
In July 2018 the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy adopted a new procedure for the organisation of trade missions.
The Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Procurement
The Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Procurement at the Procurement Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (KNB) supports public authorities in the consideration of sustainability criteria in procurement projects.
Toolbox on Business and Human Rights
The Belgian Authorities have developed an interactive toolkit that aims to provide a set of accessible tools to guide organisations and their stakeholders in their human rights obligations as part of their activities. The toolkit also allows participants to test their basic knowledge on the subject.
Training and awareness raising for Business Entities
The Swiss authorities have retained a management and consultancy firm to organise trainings and awareness raising events throughout 2018-2019 on Business and Human Rights for business entities.
Training and Resources for Diplomatic Missions
A number of States offer training and information on Business and Human Rights issues for their diplomats, and guidance and resources for their diplomatic missions.
Training on BHR issues for Judicial Officials
Issues relating to business and human rights are incorporated into continuous training programmes for judicial officials.
Workplace Relations Commission
Ireland’s employment rights legislation is monitored and enforced by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC), an independent statutory body.
Chair of the CDDH