Enhancing the national implementation of the System of the European Convention on Human Rights (DH-SYSC-V)
Against this background, the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) set up in November 2019 the Drafting Group on enhancing the national implementation of the system of the European Convention on Human Rights (DH-SYSC-V). This Drafting Group was under the direct supervision of the CDDH’s Committee of experts on the system or the European Convention on Human Rights (DH-SYSC).
On the basis of the work carried out by DH-SYSC-V and the proposal of the CDDH the Committee of Ministers adopted on 27 September 2022 “Guidelines on the prevention and remedying of violations of the Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.”
Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers on the prevention and remedying of violations of the ECHR