Back Assessing the impact of Human Rights trainings in North Macedonia on the right to liberty and security of persons

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

In order to assess the impact of the provided capacity building activities since 2018, on the right to liberty and security of persons (Article 5 of the European Convention of Human Rights), a focus group was organised in Skopje with the participation of 14 former trainees and trainers. Following the guidance and tools provided be the interactive Methodology for Evaluation of Human Rights Training, the focus group held the framework of the joint EU and Council of Europe Horizontal Facility II programme, in co-operation with the Macedonian Academy for Judges and Prosecutors, intended to understand how effective the provided trainings were and how much acquired knowledge and skills were applied in practice by former trainees.

The participants were given the opportunity to share their experience about what they learned during the training and how they were able to apply it at individual and organisational level. The focus group results (including inputs, statistical data, best practices and lessons learned) will be synthesised into a short conclusive note, containing recommendations for improvements to be considered for future training activities.

The activity is organised within the action “Judicial training institutes for Quality and Sustainability in the Western Balkan", implemented in the framework of the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”.

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