Back Supporting Mentoring Assignment with NPM

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The project supported the National Preventive Mechanism against Torture (NPM) in conducting monitoring visit to closed mental health facilities located in Pristina region. On 16 June, NPM visited Psychiatric Hospital and on 17 June, the Institute for Forensic Psychiatry, both operating within the University Clinical Center in Pristina. As a follow up on 18 June, the project facilitated a half-day online mentoring session with NPM and Dubravka Salčić, an experienced expert psychiatrist, engaged by the project.

The NPM team presented preliminary findings of visits to both establishments emphasizing key aspects where the improvement is needed, with particular focus on safeguards and procedural issues related to involuntary placement in closed mental health facilities, and measures undertaken to protect patients against COVID-19 infection. Their findings were further analysed with expert in a peer-to-peer online exchange, with references to relevant standards of the European Committee for Prevention of Torture (CPT) and its recommendations issued for the relevant national authorities following the outbreak of pandemic. Other issues discussed include means of restrain, access to activities for patients in restrictive circumstances as well as reporting standards and communication on findings with relevant authorities in the mental health sector.

The activity was particularly important for preparation of the conference on involuntary placement in closed mental health facilities, which will be organized in the upcoming months, with aim to provide detailed analyses and course of action to resolve gaps and shortcomings in legislative framework and interinstitutional coordination and cooperation in this sensitive field.

The project "Strengthening the Institutions in Fight against Torture, Ill- treatment and Other Degrading Treatment" is funded by Norway and implemented by the Council of Europe, in close co-operation with Ombudsperson Institution.

Pristina 16-18 June 2021
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