​The Project supports workflow digitalisation of Croatia’s commercial courts to increase their overall efficiency. The Project will help optimise resources, reduce the length of proceedings and reduce backlogs, in line with Council of Europe standards, the European Convention on Human Rights and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. The Project supports Croatian commercial courts to increase use of fully digital workflows for judges and court staff.

The general objective of the Project is to support Croatia in its efforts to implement reforms, which could encourage investment, increase competitiveness, and assist in achieving sustainable economic and social convergence, resilience, and recovery.

The specific objective of the Project is to support Croatia to design, develop and implement reforms.

  • Report on analysis of the current situation in the legal, business process and IT related framework
  • Peer-to-peer exchanges with EU Member States on the methodologies and approaches to fully digital case proceedings including best practices of data collection in digital format for the potential introduction of AI tools
  • Recommendation report for further enhancement of the legal, business processes and IT related framework for enabling fully digital commercial courts
  • Draft methodology for the full adoption of a digital case flow in Croatian commercial courts
  • Capacity building in piloting phase of four selected fully digital commercial courts with the use of e-Communication and replacement of paper-based case files and workflows with existing electronic case and digital processes
  • Change management training sessions and coaching for court presidents of commercial courts
  • Final project PPT presentation report and fact sheet
  • Project description summary
  • Final report
  • Croatian Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation (key Project beneficiary)
  • Judges of the High Commercial Court, and the nine commercial courts throughout Croatia (in Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek, Bjelovar, Varaždin, Zadar, Pazin and Dubrovnik), with four pilot courts in Zagreb, Split, Varaždin, Dubrovnik (target groups)
  • Judges of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia, clerks, registrars, registry office of the above-mentioned courts, attorneys, as well as stakeholders outside the commercial courts, notably the business community and parties involved in the court hearings, witnesses, court interpreters etc. (other stakeholders)

Project Information

  • Duration: 18 months (1 August 2024 - 31 January 2026)
  • Country: Croatia
  • Funding: Co-funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument, and implemented by the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the European Commission.

Project Documentation

Project Summary


Visual ID


For more information on digital transformation in Croatia see the following link here