The main objective of the project is to support the Constitutional Court of Kosovo* in strengthening the protection of human rights.

The main project partners are the Constitutional Court, other courts in Kosovo*, the Judicial Council, the Bar Association, civil society, and academia.


The following results are expected:

  • Enhanced implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in the judicial decisions of the Constitutional Court, through further strengthening of the professional capacities of judges and legal advisors of the Constitutional Court and support to the development of the Juris Consult Unit.  
  • Consolidation of the role of the Constitutional Court in the national judicial system, through: a) the development of a monitoring mechanism to improve the execution of judgements, b)  an enhanced judicial dialogue with Supreme, Appellate and Basic Courts, c) the development of effective tools to ensure consistency of case law and its alignment with the ECHR, and d) the optimisation of the upgraded electronic case management system of the Constitutional Court, inter alia to facilitate interoperability with ordinary courts.  
  • Enhanced capacity of lawyers to represent right holders and to claim rights before the Constitutional Court, through thematic workshops for lawyers/bar associations on different human rights standards (corresponding to ECHR Articles 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14), and placement of lawyers with European courts and/ or the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).  
  • Reinforced public outreach of the Constitutional Court, through the implementation of the Constitutional Court’s Communication Strategy, follow-up on the recommendations of surveys on public perception, promotion of the cooperation of the Constitutional Court with the Faculty of Law and the Justice Academy.

Project information

Duration: 24 Months (1 January 2024 – 31 December 2025)

Place/ country: Kosovo*

Budget: € 750 000


Project Documentation


Back Judges and prosecutors in Kosovo* deepen understanding of the Right to an Effective Remedy

Judges and prosecutors in Kosovo*  deepen understanding of the Right to an Effective Remedy

The Right to an Effective Remedy, protected under the Article 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), contains key guarantees for individual’s access to remedies for human rights violations that must be effective in practice as well as in the law. Article 13 has no independent existence, but it can be applied only in conjunction with one or more Articles of the ECHR of which a violation has been alleged.

These and other relevant issues of the scope and practical application of the Right to an Effective Remedy were explored by participants of two-day workshop on “Access to Effective Legal Remedies”, organised by the project “Support to the Constitutional Court in Applying and Disseminating European Human Rights Standards -Phase II”, in cooperation with Kosovo* Justice Academy. 25 judges of regular courts and prosecutors reinforced knowledge and understanding of relevant standards and caselaw of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) involving violations of the Article 13 ECHR, in light of the violation of Articles 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, and other Articles of the Convention. They analysed both important elements of this right, including the availability and the effectiveness of legal remedies.

To this end, very productive discussions developed around the subsidiary role of the ECtHR to national systems safeguarding human rights. Participants deepened understanding on how Article 13 ECHR gives effect to the principle of subsidiarity in European human rights protection machinery, by establishing that domestic mechanisms must first be exhausted before individuals may have recourse to the ECtHR, reinforced also by the admissibility criteria to ECtHR defined in the Article 35 ECHR. It was highlighted that this principle reflects the fundamental role of national judicial systems in ensuring the respect of human rights standards, as an integral part of the Convention system.

The workshop was continuation of project’s fruitful collaboration with national judicial training institutions in capacity building of legal professionals on ECHR standards through the practice of the ECtHR. In accordance with needs of beneficiaries, project will organise additional training activities and further facilitate judicial dialogue involving legal practitioners from regular courts of all instances, Constitutional Court of Kosovo*, prosecutors, and lawyers of Kosovo* Bar Association.   


[1]All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions, or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United National Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

Brezovica 21-22 May 2024
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* All references to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations' Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.