CoE member states have repeatedly acknowledged that a rapid and effective execution of the ECtHR’s judgments is of core importance to enhance the protection of human rights at a national level and to the long-term effectiveness of the European human rights protection system. This was also emphasised by the Committee of Ministers during the 130th Athens Session in November 2020, urging all member states to ensure that Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)2 be given full effect.


Through the implementation of targeted activities, the Project's purpose is to provide institutional support notably regarding the designation and the work of the coordinator of execution of judgments at the national level, both to steer the national execution process and maintain an effective dialogue with the CM. It will build on good practices developed in certain countries and support an enhanced dialogue among national coordinators.

Main objectives

To support Member States in reinforcing their capacity for full, effective and prompt execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

  • To raise awareness and equip Member States to establish effective legislation and/or implement practices aimed at execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
  • To support Member States in introducing more effective structures and mechanisms for exchange of good practices and supporting each other in the execution of ECtHR judgments.
  • To study domestic models, legislation, and practices in the field of execution of ECtHR judgments and make them available for Member States as guidance.
  • To introduce an effective mechanism to Member States for learning from each other’s experiences and knowledge, as well as to establish a collective responsibility network - a network aimed at enabling member states to support each other in the process of executing judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.
key activities
  • Development of a methodology for a Multi-Country Study that would address relevance of existing domestic mechanisms in the light of the CM Recommendation (2008)2 on efficient domestic capacity for rapid execution of the European Court’s judgments.
  • Set up of a mechanism to collect and coordinate inputs for the Multi-Country Study that will address relevance of existing domestic execution mechanisms in the light of the CM Recommendation (2008)2.
  • Preparation and presentation of the Multi-Country Study through a series of online and offline activities.
  • Conducting of the Network Development Study to identify the best structure and format for the “Execution Coordinators Network”, – a network aimed at enabling member states to support each other in the process of executing judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.
  • Establishment of the Execution Coordinators Network and of other experience exchange formats, including through the use of web
partners and beneficiaries
  • Project Partners are: Government Agencies in member states responsible for the co-ordination of the execution of ECtHR judgements
  • Other beneficiaries: Relevant Ministries in member states; other relevant national authorities, departments, government institutions; national Ombudspersons; national courts, judges and lawyers; civil society        

Project information

  • Duration: 22 months (1 January 2023 – 30 October 2024)
  • Countries (multilateral)Member States of CoE
  • FundingHuman Rights Trust Funds (HRTF)

Project documentation

Execution Co-ordinating Bodies Annual Meeting and Networking


Project news