The main objective of the project  is to contribute to the effective implementation of European standards in the field of human rights, including gender equality.

The main beneficiary institution of the Project is the Turkish Constitutional Court (the TCC). The stakeholders of the Project are the TCC, the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey; the Ombudsman Institution of Turkey; the CSOs; the Grand National Assembly of Turkey; All courts of the Turkish justice system, the Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Bar Associations, the Justice Academy, the Council of Judges and Prosecutors, Ministries, Law Enforcement bodies.


  Monitoring mechanism for the execution of judgments of the TCC is strengthened and in line with EU best practices;

   To enhance the comprehension of the Turkish legal professionals in matters of European human rights and the TCC;

    Addressing inadequate implementation of the TCC judgments and serious human rights lacunas;

    Improved co-operation and awareness among relevant national institutions;

   Awareness of the general public and public institutions on the role of the TCC in the protection of fundamental rights through its judgments is increased.


            Preparation of needs assessment missions and reports;

  Working group meetings of the Council of Europe consultants together with the Turkish stakeholders and experts;

  Development of training curricula and training activities;

  Study visits to the Council of Europe and some of its member states and placements;

  Organisation of awareness-raising activities, such as round table meetings, workshops, seminars;

  Translation, publication and dissemination of materials.


Project Information

  • Duration: 48 months (17 September 2019 - 16 September 2025)
  • Country: Turkiye
  • Budget: € 5 500 000
  • Funding: European Union (90%) and Council of Europe (10%)

Project Documentation

  Project Summary