Back CoE calls for the rights of LGBTI people on the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia (IDAHO)

CoE calls for the rights of LGBTI people on the occasion of the International Day against Homophobia (IDAHO)

On 16-17 May 2017, the Council of Europe (CoE) Office in Tirana joined the week of activities coordinated by domestic and international stakeholders in Albania on the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO). Addressing one of the key events “The National Awards for 30 persons of the year 2017 for LGBTI rights in Albania”, organized by Pink Embassy, the Head of the CoE Office in Tirana, Claus Neukirch, underlined that “...discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity is not compatible with Council of Europe standards”.

He commended the progress achieved by Albania in the fight against discrimination, including on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, underlining that there is more needed to cultivate a culture of openness and respect the rights of all individuals in the society.

He appreciated the genuine efforts and contribution of human rights activists coming from different walks of life and invited them to join the Council of Europe motto for IDAHO this year “COME OUT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS”.

In a similar vein, the Deputy Head of the CoE Office in Tirana addressed the students of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tirana in an open lecture “Let’s talk openly about LGBTI rights”. He gave an overview of the main issues and challenges faced by the LGBTI community and underlined the CoE instruments and tools in addressing discrimination and promoting the rights of the community.


Tirana 18 May 2017
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The project “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Albania (SOGI)” supported the national and local authorities in preventing and combating discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), by addressing the legislation, policy and practice in particular fields.

Expert advice was provided to support the work of the National Implementation and Co-ordination Team (NICT) and the local Gender Equality Focal Points when implementing the National Action Plan on LGBTI People 2016 - 2020. In addition, the project focused on enhancing the capacity of law enforcement officials, prosecutors and judges to investigate and prosecute homo/transphobic offences and discrimination on grounds of SOGI. Finally, the project increased the level of public awareness on discrimination suffered by LGBTI people in the country. To this end,  two surveys were developed, one focusing on attitudes towards LGBTI people and another addressing the main forms of discrimination suffered by the members of this group.

The Action started on 1 October 2016 and finished on 31 May 2018 and had an overall budget of 200,000 Euros. It was funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, under the "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey", and was implemented by the Council of Europe.

  • Improve the inter-ministerial co-ordination and the capacity of the authorities to implement  the National Action Plan on LGBTI People 2016-2020 both at the national and local level;
  • Improve investigation and prosecution of hate crime towards LGBTI people;
  • Increase public awareness on discrimination suffered by LGBTI people in the country.
  • Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth
  • Ministry of Interior/Albanian State Police
  • School of Magistrates
  • Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination
  • the People’s Advocate
  • as well as civil society organisations
expected results
  • Increased knowledge of the members of the National Implementation and Co-ordination Team (NICT) to implement the National Action Plan on LGBTI People 2016-2020;
  • Increased knowledge of the local Gender Equality Focal Points on SOGI related issues;
  • Enhanced capacity of law enforcement officials, prosecutors and judges to investigate and prosecute  hate crime towards LGBTI people;
  • New data published on attitudes towards LGBTI people and the forms of discrimination suffered by the members of this group;
  • Review of the existing data collection system regarding the access to services of LGBTI people.
Visual identity of the Horizontal Facility
the meeting


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