Back A new Action Plan on promoting and protecting the rights of LGBTI community discussed by the Advisory and Coordination Group

A new Action Plan on promoting and protecting the rights of LGBTI community discussed by the Advisory and Coordination Group

The Advisory and Coordination Group for the rights of the LGBTI community met on 25 July in Pristina to coordinate activities performed by institutions and civil society and to adopt a plan to strengthen the protection and fulfilment of the rights of the LGBTI community. The meeting was organised in cooperation with the Office of Good Governance, the Prime Minister’s Office, NGOs Centre for Equality and Liberty and Center for Social Group Development.


During the morning session the members of the group discussed the main achievements and challenges of the functioning of the Advisory Group and the challenges that the LGBTI community is facing. The afternoon session focused on the way ahead on developing the new Action Plan on promoting and protecting the rights of LGBTI community for the period 2024 – 2026. 


This activity is supported by the “Combating discrimination and hatred” action, implemented within the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”, running from January 2023 until December 2026.

PRISTINA 28/07/2023
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how will the action work ?
  • At policy and legislative level : supporting the authorities to enhance the compatibility of the legislation
  • At capacity building level : enhancing the implementation of the relevant laws/strategic documents, their monitoring and the data collection and analysis
  • Raising awareness of the dangers posed by hate speech
  • Strengthening cooperation and synergies among Western Balkan equality bodies and/or national human rights institutions, and their interaction with civil society organizations
  • Ensuring a gender sensitive approach
expected results
  • The record of implementation of anti-discrimination policies and legislation, at the central and local level (especially on protection of the rights of LGBTI persons, and on combating hate speech/hate crime) is improved
  • Dialogue and cooperation between institutions and civil society organizations in promoting and protecting human rights are enhanced
  • Awareness of citizens on their rights and mechanisms to defend themselves is strenghened 
  • Better protection of human rights of the citizens of Albania and build a more diverse, equal and tolerant society is achieved
video on article 14


Freedom Without Hate: Reconciling Freedom of Expression with other Human Rights, December 2019


#HateSpeech is dangerous as it incites acts of violence or discrimination, thus undermining respect and safety of individuals, damaging the cohesion of a society. At the same time, everyone has the right to freedom of speech which allows our democracy to develop and progress. In an attempt to draw the line between the importance of freedom of expression and the respect for the equal dignity of all individuals, we invited well-known actors and key figures from public institutions and civil society organisations in Albania to reflect and have their say on the matter.

The National Conference “Freedom Without Hate” held on 20 December 2019, was an opportunity to come together and better address hate speech, but also to firmly stand in support of freedom of expression. The “No Hate Alliance” was established, so that partners join forces to protect freedom of speech while hate speech is no longer tolerated.

Covid leaflets albania
Pride Tirana 2021
Pride Tirana 2020
Project at a glance

Duration: 43 months (May 2019 to December 2022)

Beneficiaries :

► Citizens of Albania

► Public authorities, especially equality bodies

► Education professionals, students
► Media
► Civil society organisations engaged in promoting and protecting human rights

Funding: The European Union and the Council of Europe

Budget: 600,000.00 Euros

Leaflet of the action
project team

Iva Coku, Project Officer, Tirana

Elsa Delishaj, Project Assistant, Tirana

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