Back Conference of INGOs and CURE: exchange with the candidates for the post of Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Conference of INGOs and CURE: exchange with the candidates for the post of Secretary General of the Council of Europe

On 27 May the Conference of INGOs held a unique event in cooperation with CURE: an online dialogue of the three candidates for the post of Secretary General of the Council of Europe with Civil Society:

Alain Berset, (Suisse) President of the Swiss Confederation (2018 and 2023)
Didier Reynders, (Belgium) European Commissioner for Justice (2019-2024)
Indrek Saar, (Estonia) leader of the Social Democratic Party of Estonia (2019-2022)

It was the only time the three candidates had a public debate together, and participants from Civil Society could formulate questions to them. In addition, all three candidates had received a short questionnaire, which they have answered.

 You can find the written Q&As here: in English and in French

  And you can view a recording of the online event here.


Strasbourg 28 May 2024
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