Terms of reference approved by the General Assembly on 6 April 2022

  Chair - Arja Krauchenberg (Lifelong Learning Platform / European Parents Association)

  Arja Krauchenberg - Contact 

  General Contact 


Webinar series - #1 : “Learn, teach, and shape democracy” -  8 May 2023 

​  Concept Note

  Video recording 

  Presentation by Georg Pirker, Chairperson of the Board of DARE (Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe)

  Presentation by Juliette Ibarrondo, Erasmus+ School Programs, Development Officer at EFIL (European Federation for Intercultural Learning)

Webinar series - #2 : “Digital education for active citizenship” -  4 December 2023

​  Concept Note

  Project summary

  Video recording 

Webinar series - #3: “Education for democracy in and outside of schools” - 5 February 2024

​  Concept Note

  Video recording 

 Presentation of CITIZED - Policy implementation support and teacher empowerment for CITIZenship EDucation

 Presentation of ETUCE Work on Education for Democracy