Back President of the Conference of INGOs holds annual exchange of views with the Committee of Ministers

President of the Conference of INGOs holds annual exchange of views with the Committee of Ministers

On 1 July 2024, the President of the Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations held, as every year, an exchange of views with the Ministers’ Deputies. In his address, he reported on recent developments and achievements of the Conference, as well as its plans for the future. He also expressed the willingness of the Conference to further develop its close alliance with the Council of Europe and its various bodies. He highlighted the importance of implementing the Reykjavík Declaration particularly in light of the increased dialogue with civil society called for in the Secretary General's Roadmap on Civil Society engagement with the Council of Europe.

In his address, President Ermischer also reminded the importance of defending the rights of civil society and the values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law in these times of an ever-shrinking civil space. In the ensuing exchange of views, several delegations reiterated strong support for the Conference of INGOs.

 The address of the President of the Conference of INGOs


Strasbourg 1 July 2024
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