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Intercultural cities: good practice examples

The Intercultural city aims at building its policies and identity on the explicit acknowledgement that diversity can be a resource for the development of the society.

The first step is the adoption (and implementation) of strategies that facilitate positive intercultural encounters and exchanges, and promote equal and active participation of residents and communities in the development of the city, thus responding to the needs of a diverse population. The Intercultural integration policy model is based on extensive research evidence, on a range of international legal instruments, and on the collective input of the cities member of the Intercultural Cities programme that share their good practice examples on how to better manage diversity, address possible conflicts, and benefit from the diversity advantage.

This section offers examples of intercultural approaches that facilitate the development and implementation of intercultural strategies.

Template for collection of Good practices >>

OXLO Business Charter - making migrants visible as a resource for business and economic growth

Norway Oslo 2013-

Purpose: Launched in 2013 at the Oslo Global Mobility Forum, the OXLO Business Charter is a forum and a network for the collaboration between the city and the business community, making migrants...

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Mediation panel – a low threshold mediation service for complaints on discrimination

Norway Oslo 2018

Purpose: The mediation panel organised by the Norwegian Peoples Aid is a service where victims of discrimination can present their complaints, get advice, and engage in dialogue through mediation...

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A road map to promote egalitarian government open to diversity

Switzerland Neuchâtel 2018

This roadmap is an unprecedented step in Switzerland and is designed not only to combat discrimination but to capitalise on diversity proactively so as to create a climate fostering creativity and...

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Bergen – a safe city for LGBTI refugees and citizens with migrant background

Norway Bergen 2023-2027

Purpose: As part of the plan The Rainbow City of Bergen: Plan for gender and sexual diversity 2023-2027, the city of Bergen includes information about the importance of taking responsibility for...

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The Montreal Intercultural Council

Canada Montreal permanent

The Montreal Intercultural Council (CiM) advises, and issues opinions to, the City Council and the executive committee on all issues of interest to the cultural communities and on any another...

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Urban Working Group (UWG) of Epirus

Greece Ioannina since April 2017

Purpose: The purpose of the Urban Working Group (UWG) is to facilitate effective coordination and collaboration among various stakeholders involved in refugee management in the Epirus region of...

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Gender-based analysis plus (GBA+)

Canada Montreal 2018

refers to the notion of intersectionality. It means that, in addition to gender-differentiated analysis, it is important to consider needs and differentiated effects in the light of other...

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World Interfaith Harmony Week

Portugal Lisbon 2018

Purpose: Foster Interreligious dialogue. Stimulus/Rationale: The week especially provides a platform for interfaith groups and other groups of goodwill to demonstrate and share their work. Based on...

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The Intercultural Calendar

Germany Berlin-Neukölln 2018 onwards

Purpose: A calendar for different religious, cultural and international celebrations Stimulus/Rationale: Process: Together with the integration representatives of each Berlin district, Neukölln...

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Women in intercultural dialogue

Germany Berlin-Neukölln 2018 onwards

Purpose: A space for mothers from different background to share, learn and to pass onto their children. Stimulus/Rationale: Process: Berlin-Neukölln supports the organisation “LebensWelt” (“Living...

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Auckland’s Research and Monitoring Unit

New Zealand Auckland 2018 onwards

Purpose: Assisting policy development in Auckland through environmental, social, economic and cultural research. Stimulus/Rationale: The Research and Evaluation Unit, RIMU part of Auckland...

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The Welcoming Communities Initiative

New Zealand Auckland 2018 onwards

Purpose: A joint central and local government programme implemented by councils across New Zealand to welcome newcomers. Stimulus/Rationale: Auckland Council, ATEED (now Tātaki Auckland Unlimited)...

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Interkulcultural Mediation at the Rixdorfer Primary School

Germany Berlin-Neukölln 2018 onwards

Purpose: Mediating between cultures and languages to promote intercultural integration at schools Stimulus/Rationale: Process: Berlin-Neukölln supports the organisation “LebensWelt” (“Living...

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Auckland’s support for its diverse entrepreneurs

New Zealand Auckland 2018 onwards

Purpose: Programmes, competitions and spaces that encourage innovation and collaboration amongst Aucklanders from all kinds of backgrounds. Stimulus/Rationale: Tātaki Auckland Unlimited 's diverse...

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#iorispetto: active citizenship against discrimination

Italy Turin Milan Palermo March 2018 until 31 August 2019

Purpose: #IORISPETTO promoted society, young people and students’ awareness of a culture of human rights and the principles of fairness and justice, together with an understanding of the mechanisms...

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An ‘Integrated Area Plan’

New Zealand Auckland 2017 onwards

Purpose: Auckland Council engages with South Auckland’s communities to prepare for future developments in their area. Stimulus/Rationale: When proposing a change, Auckland Council partners with...

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The Champions for Change Network

New Zealand Auckland 2018 on

A network of committed senior leaders across New Zealand, advocating and promoting the diversity advantage in the wider business community. Many of Auckland’s senior leaders are part of the...

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Erlangen-Nürnberg: University enables access to education for refugees

Germany Erlangen 2017

Purpose: A database to protect private data and speed up the stream of information between different departments. Stimulus/Rationale: In 2015, four times as many people fled to Europe from their...

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The Next Door Family

Spain Donostia-San Sebastian Since 2012

Purpose: The project “Bizilagunak: La Familia de al lado” gathers migrant families and Basque families together. The project operates on a local area, focusing on building relations among families...

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Neighbourhood Pacts

Italy Reggio Emilia 2016

Purpose: The goal of this initiative is to adopt consultative and participatory methods with all residents, users and property owners, in order to develop a strategic plan of the City for physical,...

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Switzerland Neuchâtel 2016

A community conducts a dynamic open discussion of its evolving identity Neuchàtoi is an ongoing campaign and dialogue platform to create an open discussion of how the city of Neuchâtel is evolving...

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Norwegian Center for Multicultural Value Creation

Norway Oslo 2005–2022

Purpose: Oslo City Council’s Office for Business Development has taken an active stance on integrating minority businesses through The Norwegian Center for Multicultural Value Creation, which is...

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Designing intercultural public space

United Kingdom London-Lewisham 2006 onwards

Purpose: Involving the whole community in shaping the future of Lewisham’s open space. Stimulus/Rationale: In 2006-7 the Borough of Lewisham conducted research into public attitudes. Residents...

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Germany Hamburg 2016

A network of cities seeking to develop ideas about how to manage multilingual citizen communities LUCIDE is a network seeks to develop ideas about how to manage multilingual citizen communities....

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The International Cultural Network of Stavanger

Norway Stavanger 1982-

Purpose: The International Cultural Network (INK) is an organization running in Stavanger whose main goal is to encourage social cohesion and inclusion. INK was founded in 1982 and now has almost...

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“Zambujal Gets Better!” - project

Portugal Amadora ongoing

Ethnic mixing and skills development as part of a general rejuvenation of a city district Purpose: The Programme “Zambujal Gets Better” was brought into life in partnership with the Municipality of...

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Mångkulturellt Centre, Fittja

Sweden Botkyrka 2016

A diversity research and popular dissemination centre with local and international scope The Multicultural Centre is a municipal foundation engaged in research, education and cultural activities....

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Refugee Welcome and Integration Network

Spain Cartagena 2017 - ongoing Cartagena, Spain

Purpose: On 24 May 2017, the City Council of Cartagena (Murcia - Spain) launched the Refugee Welcome and Integration Network to address the needs of refugees and asylum seekers in the municipality,...

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Fargespil (Kaleidoscope)

Norway Bergen 2016

Purpose: To foster experiences of both alikeness and the richness of diversity by bringing different young actors representing different national music and dance traditions together in a musical...

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Italy - Learn Arabic!

Italy Reggio Emilia 2016

Purpose: This is a project in collaboration with the Local Health Authorities to improve linguistic cultural relations between foreign citizens and health services. Stimulus/Rationale: In 2011 the...

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OXLO - Oslo Extra Large. A long-term city-wide awareness-raising campaign for diversity

Norway Oslo 2001-

Purpose: OXLO - Oslo Extra Large is a long-term awareness-raising campaign initiated by the Mayor of Oslo. Through this campaign the City of Oslo is striving to make Norway’s capital a more...

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Todos – Walk of Cultures

Portugal Lisbon 2009- ongoing

Purpose: To celebrate Lisbon as an intercultural city, promoting intercultural and interreligious dialogue Stimulus/Rationale: A nomadic festival of intercultural festival which reintegrates...

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OMOD - Scrutinizing Oslo public services through an intercultural lens

Norway Oslo 1993-

Purpose: OMOD Center for Social Justice is a volunteer organization against institutional discrimination that provides information, advice, and assistance to organisations in the area of race...

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Opening Doors: The Logan Police/Ethnic Communities Partnerships Project

Australia Logan 2016

Building trust between police and ethnic minority communities Logan City was growing rapidly and overseas migration and there was concern that levels of trust between young migrants and the Police...

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The value of a city Integration Charter

Germany Erlangen 2016

Erlangen sets out its values and principles The City of Erlangen is becoming more and more multicultural and, today, about the 34% of its inhabitants have a migration background. In order to...

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Building interfaith partnerships

Italy Reggio Emilia 2016

Purpose: The project, led by the municipality’s urban planning and architecture department, aims firstly at identifying and mapping the presence of different religious communities. The action goes...

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Somalia Bandy

Sweden Borlänge Ongoing

Purpose: The purpose is to use sports as a means for social integration of young Somali refugees, especifically the ice hockey form Bandy. Stimulus/Rationale: The team was set up by a local...

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Muraliza - Mural Art Festival

Portugal Cascais 2014-2017

Purpose: Arts overcome cultural and ethnic differences bringing people together - A project that reshapes the historic centre of the city Arts have the uncanny ability to overcome cultural and...

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BragaIncoming Programme

Portugal Braga 2018

Purpose: In 2018 the city of Braga launched the “Bragalncoming Programme”, a digital tool that aims to help newcomers (those that come either to live, to visit or invest) with much-needed...

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Table on Interreligious dialogue

Spain Salt Since 2009

Purpose: The main focus of the Interreligious Table is to improve the knowledge and recognition of the city’s religious plurality. In addition, the Table organises events and initiatives to promote...

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Local Forum for religious diversity

Spain Bilbao ongoing

Since 2012, the Local forum for religious diversity promotes the exercise of freedom of conscience and religion in a context of citizens’ coexistence in diversity and in human rights’ promotion....

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Small Theater – Great Place for Inspiration

Ukraine Pavlograd 2015-2020

Purpose: The “small theatre -a great place for inspiration” improves community engagement through arts and culture as well as leisure and heritage. Process: The social and cultural atmosphere...

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Anissa programme

Spain Barcelona Since 2014

Purpose: The Annisa programme is a project focused on the participation and interaction of Pakistani communities and the Besós neighbourhood in the district of Sant Martí. The programme is funded...

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Spain Barcelona Since 2017

Purpose: #BCNvsODI is nowadays a platform for dissemination and awareness-raising in the fight against hate speech, both online and offline, with information, materials and pedagogical, informative...

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“Faces of Lublin” awareness raising campaign

Poland Lublin 2014

Purpose: This public awareness campaign was undertaken by the City of Lublin to strengthen the image of Lublin as an intercultural city by promoting the diversity of its residents through an...

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III Bilbao Intercultural City Plan

Spain Bilbao From 2021 to 2027

Purpose: The III Bilbao Intercultural City Plan aims to guide public policies, from an intercultural perspective, in order to strengthen social cohesion and urban development in the city. To this...

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Employment opportunities as a factor of cohesion

United Kingdom Manchester Ongoing

Purpose: Employment supporting cohesion Stimulus/Rationale: Process: In Manchester (United Kingdom), the Manchester International Festival’s Factory Academy partnered with the construction firm...

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The Inclusive Anchors Network

United Kingdom Leeds 2022

In Leeds (United Kingdom), a group of the thirteen largest (primarily) public sector employers, including the city council, local universities and Yorkshire Water, have formed the Inclusive Anchors...

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Ciga Giro Project

Portugal Vila Verde Since 2021 - ongoing

The Ciga Giro Project – People and Identities, Answers and Options is a social intervention, in the municipality of Vila Verde, focusing on the fight against the social segregation of the Roma...

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Welcoming guides

Portugal Vila Verde 9 months – April to November 2022

Purpose: This activity had the purpose of improving the welcoming of people with an international protection status coming from Ukraine. The city wanted to ensure access to information for everyone...

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