Interview of Ms Cecilia Soto, Federal Chairwoman of the Standing Committee on the City of Mexico, LXIII Legislature of Mexican Federal Congress
Interview de M. El Khannous, 1er Echevin de Molenbeek-Saint-Jean [fr]
"Intercultural Cities are searching for solutions". Listen to Claudia Luciani, Director of Democratic Governance in the Council of Europe, talking on refugee inclusion
"Exchanging is everything": Nadia Bastien tells us why is important for a city like Montreal to be part of the Intercultural Cities network [fr]
Fernando Medina, the Mayor of Lisbon, explains how the ICC programme helps open cities to make the most out of their diversity
Faika El-Nagashi, city councillor in Wien (Austria), shares her views on intercultural cities
Jaume Asens, Deputy Mayor of the City of Barcelona (Spain), talks about the value of diversity (Spanish only)
Neophytos Charalambides, councillor in Limassol (Cyprus), speaks about migrants’ integration
Gabriella Agius, Executive Secretary of Valletta Local Council (Malta), shares her impressions on Intercultural Cities
Aida Gullén Lanzarote, Director of Human Rights and Integration office of the City of Barcelona, explains the meaning of as Intercultural City
Catalin Grosu, Head of the Integration office in Bucharest, explains the advantage of joining the Intercultural Cities network
Hilda, coordinator of the Second Chance Centre in Bergen, explains us the activities of the centre.
In Wien, Intercultural Cities meet the SPACELAB, an innovative project which helps young people who are "lost in transition" finding their way to education or work
Roxana from Tenerife shares her impressions on the Intercultural Cities and on the study visit in Wien
At the European Primary School in Wien, children become familiar with 18 languages and cultures over three years. Diversity and languages are everywhere in the school which cultivates diversity as a norm. Watch and listen the video with the head teacher
Céline Maye from the Canton of Neuchatel (Ch) shares her views about the benefits of participating in a study visit on refugee inclusion, in Bergen
About refugee inclusion
"We believe that being a diverse city gives us a lot back" said Solve Saetre (Department of social affairs, housing and inclusion, Bergen kommune) during the study visit of Intercultural Cities representatives in Bergen. Listen what he thinks of refugee inclusion.
Anita, from Berlin Neukolln, shares her views on refugee inclusion during the study visit in Bergen