The antirumours strategy is a long-term process of social change. It seeks to prevent discrimination, improve coexistence, and harness the potential of diversity by triggering a change in perceptions, attitudes, and behaviours among the general population and specific target groups. In order to reach these global goals, the antirumours strategy focuses on three specific objectives:

  • To engage and empower a wide range of stakeholders and citizens by implementing a local public policy and building a cooperative multi-level social platform within the framework of a long-term “antirumours city strategy”
  • To promote critical thinking and raise awareness of the negative effects of stereotypes, prejudices, and false rumours by implementing innovative and participative actions to reduce them and challenging the negative narratives around diversity.
  • To influence the political and social agenda so that reducing prejudices and preventing discrimination is recognised as a crucial collective goal for society as a whole.



Next, please take the time to familiarise yourself with pages 7-12 of the Antirumours Handbook.

Food for thought

Take some minutes to consider the following questions which may help you identify areas to address:

  • Which rumours exist in your city?
  • Who would you need to engage with to start a discussion on the potential benefits of implementing an antirumours strategy in your city?
knowledge test

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What is the antirumours strategy?

  • A communication campaign to raise awareness on rumours and to fight them
  • (1)A long-term political and social initiative to promote critical thinking and raise awareness to improve living together in diversity
  • A tool for politicians to promote the diversity agenda

The antirumours strategy is a long-term process of social change. It seeks to prevent discrimination, improve coexistence, and harness the potential of diversity by triggering a change in perceptions, attitudes, and behaviours among the general population and specific target groups.

What does the concept diversity advantage entail?

  • (1)The concept considers diversity as a crucial resource for the global development of our societies
  • The concept considers everyone should be allowed to maintain their own culture
  • The concept considers the new complexities diversity brings to our societies

The intercultural approach involves recognising and valuing socio-cultural diversity as a structural reality that brings with it complexities and opportunities that should be taken advantage of. It is about recognising differences and highlighting the similarities and common aspects that we share as citizens in a given context.

Knowledge test results



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