Sabadell is a Catalan city, co-capital of the Vallés Occidental region and has a population of 207.540 registered inhabitants. Situated only 26 kilometres from Barcelona it is the fifth largest city of Catalonia. During the 19th and 20th century it was the pioneer in the industrial revolution of the textile sector in Catalonia, converting itself in the most important wool city of the Spanish state and gaining the nickname “the Catalan Manchester”.

Population diversity

The 11.11% of total population of Sabadell are non-natives, of which the 3.22% are foreign born people, but naturalised. The largest minority groups are Moroccans, Bolivian and Romanian. Moroccans constitute the 19.95% of total immigrants (2.22% of the total population); Bolivian the 12.54% of immigrants (1.39% of total population); whereas Romanians count the 7.43% of the total, nonetheless, the 0.83% of the total city inhabitants.

Profile and activities



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