Duration : 2 hrs
Language : English
Organisers: Council of Europe
Flyer : Programme
Registration closed
Broadcasted live on the page Facebook Council of Europe – Directorate General Democracy
General Recommendation no. 1 adopted by GREVIO on the Digital Dimension of Violence against Women
In May 2021, a conference entitled "Gender Equality and the Istanbul Convention: a decade of action", organised by the Council of Europe's Violence against Women Division, marked the 10th anniversary of the opening for signature of the Istanbul Convention. Six months later, at its 25th meeting, the Group of Experts on combating violence against women and domestic violence (GREVIO) adopted its first general recommendation on the digital dimension of violence against women.
Encouraged by anonymity and automation, online and technology-facilitated violence against women is pervasive, and many forms of violence occurring offline are replicated and even intensified through digital means. To raise awareness of this highly topical issue, a launch event is being organised by the Council of Europe's Violence Against Women Division on Wednesday, November 24, 2021.
The event will include a presentation of the General Recommendation by Iris Luarasi, President of GREVIO, as well as interventions by Dunja Mijatović, CoE Commissioner for Human Rights, Nina Nordström, Chair of the Committee of the Parties to the Istanbul Convention, and Claudia Luciani, Director of Human Dignity, Equality and Governance in the Council of Europe. A roundtable discussion will take place, giving speakers the opportunity to present the scope and relevance of the general recommendation to the work on the ground, as well as highlighting some of the most promising practices.
Video message by the President of GREVIO