2. Secretariat of the Committee of Ministers
3. Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly
4. Registry of the European Court of Human Rights
5. Secretariat of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
6. Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights
7. Directorate of Programme Co-ordination
8. Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI)
9. Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity (DG II)
10. Directorate General of Administration
11. Directorate of Communications
12. Directorate of Political Affairs and External Relations
13. Directorate of Legal Advice and Public International Law
14. Directorate of Internal Oversight
15. Registry of the Administrative Tribunal
18. Staff Committee
19. Amicale
Event organisation
The HagueThe Hague
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Our traineeships

02. Secretariat of the Committee of Ministers

Secretariat of the Committee of Ministers

 Secretariat of the Committee of Ministers


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • checking English and French working documents and reports in the context of the preparation of meetings; 
  • the Ministers’ Deputies’ meetings and their subsidiary groups; 
  • drafting of meeting reports and information notes, information research;
  • the preparatory work in progress.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Concern for quality
  • Adaptability
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Learning and development

03. Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly

Private Office of the President of the Assembly and the Office of the Secretary General of the Assembly

Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly

Private Office of the President of the Assembly and the Office of the Secretary General of the Assembly


With the Private Office of the President of the Assembly your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • researching and drafting briefing notes on areas of work and activities of the Assembly;
  • contributing to the preparation of files for country visits and missions by the President and members of his Private Office ;
  • the preparation of briefings and drafting of speeches for the President;
  • drafting of CVs of visitors, welcoming addresses or press reviews;
  • the preparatory work of plenary sessions of the PACE and Standing Committee meetings;
  • participating in preparatory meetings with the Private Office ;
  • providing support with organisational aspects of protocol issues or logistics if required.

With the Office of the Secretary General of the Assembly your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • contributing to the preparation of meetings of the women@PACE group: making proposals for themes to be discussed, contacting guest speakers to be invited, preparing meetings of the Bureau of the group…) ;
  • contributing to the preparation of files for working visits and missions by the SGPA ;
  • providing support with activities on parliamentary cooperation (research, drafting briefing notes etc.); 
  • contributing to the preparation of background documents on main issues on the PACE political agenda;
  • the work related to Vaclav Havel Prize.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Drafting skills
  • Concern for quality
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Learning and development

PACE Committees

 Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly


Your traineeship in a PACE committee will focus on:                    

  • putting knowledge acquired through studies to practical use;
  • researching and drafting documents related to issues on the committee's agenda;
  • acquiring new knowledge on the subjects tackled by the committee;
  • contibuting to the smooth organisation of the committee’s and sub-committees’ work, attending related meetings (where possible) and contributing to their follow up;
  • gaining a better understanding of the functioning of the Parliamentary Assembly and its activities.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Drafting skills
  • Concern for quality
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Learning and development

Parliamentary and Electoral Cooperation Division OR Elections Division

 Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly


For this traineeship you will be assigned to one of the following Divisions : 
In the Parliamentary and Electoral Cooperation Division your traineeship would focus on observing and assisting in:            

  • research for project development on electoral matters;
  • providing support with the organisation and carrying out of activities related to the election cycle; 
  • providing support with activities on parliamentary cooperation (research, drafting briefing notes etc.).

In the Elections Division your traineeship would focus on observing and assisting in:

  • the activities of the Division, notably through research on subjects related to electoral matters, drafting documents and planning the activities of the newly created PACE Network of Election Observers;
  • improving the Assembly’s communication and visibility strategy in electoral matters, including updating the division’s website and designing relevant communication tools;
  • ensuring better visibility and dissemination of the Assembly’s election observation reports;
  • highlighting the Assembly’s work to the Council of Europe’s overall activities related to elections.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Drafting skills
  • Concern for quality
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Learning and development

04. Registry of the European Court of Human Rights

Traineeship with Judges

 Registry of the European Court of Human Rights


During your traineeship, you will have the possibility to experience the Court's multicultural environment, attend hearings, network with the Registry staff members, and learn more on the Court's procedures and functioning.

You will be assigned tasks by the Judges with whom you will work. These assignments are related to the Court's activities and will enable you to improve your skills and knowledge of the Convention, as well as the Court's case-law and working methods. You will contribute to the Court's aim to disseminate information on its activities and case-law in member States.

You will attend training and events organised for all trainees by the Council of Europe and the Court's Training unit, in particular those offered in the framework of the Training Programme for Trainees.

Your traineeship will focus on:

  • research on specific legal issues and case-law;
  • assisting Judges in the preparation of lectures, speeches, articles, conferences and internal or external training events.


  • REQUIRED: Have a Masters 1 or equivalent (a diploma for the second cycle of higher education as defined in the Bologna Declaration). 
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Drafting skills
  • Concern for quality
  • Teamwork and co-operation

05. Secretariat of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

Communication Unit

 Secretariat of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

Communication Unit


As a trainee for the Communication Unit, you will assist in various daily activities under the guidance of your supervisor. Your role will involve supporting the team in executing communication strategies, creating content, and maintaining internal and external communications. This hands-on experience will help you develop essential skills and gain valuable insights into the operations of the Communication Unit.

Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • reviewing and updating the content of the Congress website;
  • preparing draft news, translating the news in French or English and publishing on the Congress website and Council of Europe newsroom portal;
  • preparing Congress publications (updating or/and drafting texts, follow-up the translation etc.);
  • preparing content for social media (X, Facebook and LinkedIn), including the visual, and positing it as needed.


  • Technical knowledge of editing and publishing tools
  • Communication
  • Concern for quality
  • Drafting skills
  • Planning and work organisation

Protecting Local Democracy Department

 Secretariat of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

Protecting Local Democracy Department


As a trainee for the Protecting Local Democracy department, you will participate in the work of the three committees:

  • the Committee on the Monitoring of the implementation of the European Charter of Local Self-Government and on the respect of Human Rights and the Rule of Law at local and regional levels (“the Monitoring Committee”);
  • the Committee on Governance, Civic Engagement and the Environment (“the Governance Committee”);
  • the Committee on Social Inclusion and Human Dignity (“the Social Inclusion Committee”).

Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • researching and drafting of documents, thematic reports in the committees’ areas of competence, and preparing speeches and notes for the rapporteurs;
  • the preparation of the monitoring missions of the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government by preparing briefing notes on local and regional democracy in the member countries that will be the subject of a monitoring visit, and the observation missions of local and regional elections;
  • meetings and reporting in writing on the discussions that take place;
  • the preparation of the Congress sessions, Committees meetings and others activities.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Drafting skills
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Results orientation
  • Initiative

Institutional Partnerships Unit

 Secretariat of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

Protecting Local Democracy Department

Institutional Partnerships Unit


As a trainee for external relations you will support the work of the Institutional Partnerships Unit and the Chamber of Regions of the Congress and of the Chamber Bureau (including organisation of Chamber sessions and Chamber Bureau meetings), as well as assisting with the development and implementation of external and institutional relations activities with the Congress institutional partners, both external and within the Council of Europe, including supporting the follow-up to the practical implementation of co-operation agreements between the Congress and its institutional partners in the areas of common priorities and common interest.

Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • the preparation and implementation of the Congress sessions by: 
    • contributing to the drafting of session-related documents, speaking notes, concept notes for debates 
    • identifying and contacting potential speakers 
    • providing comprehensive follow-up support
  • maintaining relationships with external partners as well as with European and international institutions;
  • the preparation of Secretariat missions;
  • contributing to the drafting of speeches, speaking points and news releases;
  • research on relevant topics.


  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Drafting skills
  • Initiative
  • Communication

06. Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights

Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights

 Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights


Under the supervision of a Human Rights Adviser, your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • ensuring permanent and thorough monitoring of the human rights situation in countries assigned to you;
  • preparing visits of the Commissioner to countries assigned to you, as well as the drafting high-quality documents following the visits;
  • following developments for specific human rights themes assigned to you;
  • supporting the Commissioner (through the preparation of briefings, speeches, statements, and other documents) with respect to any action he takes in/on the countries or themes assigned to you.


  • Technical expertise: higher education in a relevant field (preferably law or political sciences)
  • Drafting skills
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Adaptability
  • Initiative

07. Directorate of Programme Co-ordination

Partial Agreement - North-South Centre

Central Division / External Offices / Programming department / Resource Mobilisation and Donors Relations

Coming soon

08. Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law (DGI)

Criminal Law Division (CDPC)

 Criminal Law Division (CDPC)


Coming soon

Secretariat of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (“Venice Commission”)

 Secretariat of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (“Venice Commission”)


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:
  • conducting legal analysis essential for the preparation of opinions and reports by the Venice Commission;
  • preparing comparative materials on specific legal issues to support the development of relevant reports and opinions;
  • researching reference documents related to the diverse legal issues examined by the Venice Commission;
  • updating and managing the Venice Commission's Constitutional Case-Law database (CODICES) and the electoral legislation database (VOTA), ensuring that these resources remain current and accurate.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Service orientation
  • Concern for quality
  • Capacity for research and in-depth study

Transversal Challenges and Multilateral Projects Division

Transversal Challenges and Multilateral Projects Division


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:
  • supporting the team in the implementation and monitoring of ongoing projects of the Division by contributing to the preparation and execution of project activities, preparing project-related draft documents (administrative and substance-related), reviewing documentation;
  • the organisation of events within the Division, including, but not limited to preparing draft concepts and agendas, drawing up draft lists of participants, dealing with other organisational matters, supporting in organising internal and external communication for such events;
  • supporting the Division in conceptualising new projects, including carrying out preliminary research, drafting concepts, elements of project proposals;
  • carrying out research and analysis (including legal) to support other activities of the Division.


  • Drafting skills
  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Learning and development

Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees

 Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:
  • drafting general notes and documents relating to migration and refugees issues, updating existing documents, and carrying out research as requested;
  • participating in meetings, whether internal to the Council of Europe (including meetings of the Committee of Ministers and PACE), or with external partners, in particular other international organisations and NGOs, and drafting reports accordingly;
  • drafting speaking points or presentations in advance of events in which the SRSG is participating;
  • contributing to the preparation of meetings organised by the Office of the SRSG, in particular meetings of the Network of Focal Points on Migration and of the Consultative Group on Migration.
  • contributing to the preparation of planned fact-finding missions to member States. 


  • Drafting skills
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Adaptability
  • Concern for quality
  • Learning and development

Sport Division

 Sport Division


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:
  • achieving the objectives of the Sport Division and discovering the wide array of work of the Council of Europe in sport; 
  • preparing reports, speaking elements, communication tools, briefing requests, etc;
  • preparing and delivering meetings and/or conferences, workshops and other events organised by the Sport Division.


  • Some knowledge of sports policies
  • Drafting skills
  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Teamwork and co-operation

Department of Social Rights

Department of Social Rights


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:
  • the work of the monitoring mechanisms under the European Social Charter, including the preparation of research and working documents for the European Committee of Social Rights and the Governmental Committee;
  • the design and implementation of cooperation projects in the member States and with other relevant stakeholders;
  • the organisation and/or participation in meetings and other activities, including awareness-raising, capacity building, dissemination of standards and best practices to ensure protection and implementation of social rights as guaranteed by the European Social Charter system;
  • other tasks specific to the Department of Social Rights and to be determined.


  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Drafting skills
  • Concern for quality
  • Results orientation
  • Communication

Secretariat of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention

 Reykjavík process and the Environment

 Secretariat of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting the Secretariat of the Landscape Convention in:
  • organising and implementing official meetings related to the Council of Europe Landscape Convention;
  • drafting documents related to the activities of the Convention (e.g. official reports, meeting reports, press releases, briefing notes, speeches, agendas, etc.);
  • proofreading and linguistic verification of draft documents (notes, reports, speeches, etc.);
  • communicating and exchanging with experts and representatives of the institutions involved in cooperation activities related to the Convention;
  • organisating the International Landscape Day (20 October);
  • other possible tasks for the Reykjavik Process and Environment Department.


  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Drafting skills
  • Adaptability

Group of States against Corruption – GRECO

 Group of States against Corruption – GRECO


Your traineeship will focus on providing assistance and support to the secretariat of GRECO by:
  • collecting, organising and analysing data, and carrying out (comparative) research work on a range of issues; 
  • supporting the preparation of documents and publications (e.g. working papers, reports, etc.), including note-taking, drafting elements, reviewing and editing documents and preparing annexes;
  • assisting in the preparation and organisation of meetings, conferences and other events, and when possible, taking part in those meetings;
  • where appropriate, providing support to and participating in the coordination and management of specific team projects/meetings;
  • performing ad hoc assignments (e.g. translating, revising translations or researching terminology, etc.), as requested by the supervising senior legal adviser.


  • Concern for quality
  • Drafting skills
  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Teamwork and co-operation

Department for the Execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights

 Department for the Execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting:
  • the case lawyers in their work done to prepare the examination of cases submitted to the Committee of Ministers pursuant to Article 46 of the European Convention on Human Rights;
  • the classification of new cases transmitted by the European Court of Human Rights and in identifying cases that may need urgent individual measures;
  • the assessment of action plans and reports submitted by the authorities;
  • the lawyers with quality checking of translations;
  • in conducting legal research on domestic legislation and case law with particular emphasis on issues related to implementation of the European Court’s judgments pending the supervision of the Committee of Ministers;
  • in reviewing and updating the HUDOC database.


  • Communication
  • Concern for quality
  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Teamwork and co-operation

Co-ordinator for the abolition of the death penalty

 Co-ordinator for the abolition of the death penalty


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in, inter alia,:
  • organising the third workshop “Death is not Justice – youth advocacy and awareness-raising for the abolition of the death penalty”, as well as other possible activities;
  • participating in feeding the network of young ambassadors against the death penalty;
  • contributing to the communication of the activities on the abolition of the death penalty;
  • contributing to other projects, such as a HELP module on the death penalty.


  • Some knowledge in the field of the abolition of the death penalty
  • Organisational and contextual awareness
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Relationship building
  • Concern for quality

European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT)

 European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT)


As our trainee, you will engage in research on specific topics of interest such as tackling violence in prisons, the treatment of women in prison, conjugal vists in prisons, immigration detention, use of means of restraint in psychiatry or the treatment of persons in social care homes, and contribute to the development of publications show casing the CPT such as on success stories or good practices. You may also assist relevant country desk officers drafting follow-up letters to State Parties analysing the responses to CPT visit reports. As a trainee with the CPT, you will be a part of the Transversal Division and take part in meetings and seminars with other sectors of the Council of Europe and you will work on CPT communication-related projects. You will have to be discrete and know how to uphold the confidentiality requirement of the CPT.

Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • research on thematic or country specific topics of interest to the CPT;
  • participation in communication-related projects;
  • contributing to publications on CPT success stories and good practices;
  • participation in CPT plenary meetings and Transversal Division activities.


  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Communication
  • Drafting skills
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Creativity and innovation

Health, Detention and Addictions Department - Cooperation in police, deprivation of liberty unit

Health, Detention and Addictions Department

 Cooperation in police, deprivation of liberty unit


Your traineeship will focus in particular on observing and assisting:
  • the preparation of the Police Network Annual Conference;
  • the preparation of a regular overview of Council of Europe police related activities for the Police Network web platform; 
  • research of the ECtHR case law on specific, police and prisons related topics; 
  • following other activities at Department level, in particular the Pompidou Group, and contribute to them as relevant.


  • Organisational and contextual awareness
  • Drafting skills
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Relationship building
  • Initiative

Secretariat of the Partial Agreement on the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)

 Secretariat of the Partial Agreement on the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)


Your traineeship will focus in particular on observing and assisting:
  • preparing, drafting and reviewing the Secretary General’s opinions as to admissibility of applications for loans or guarantees, based on the project’s conformity with the political and social aims of the Council of Europe;
  • undertaking research and collection of Council of Europe texts, reports, resolutions and action plans with respect to the conformity of projects;
  • undertaking research of country and economic information and data, including local and regional data and statistics;
  • verifying loan documents, transmission letters and loan requests and other documents received from Council of Europe Development Bank;
  • undertaking preparatory tasks regarding the Annual Report on the social effects of completed projects.


  • Drafting skills
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Adaptability
  • Communication

Secretariat of the Council of Europe’s Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention)

 Secretariat of the Council of Europe’s Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention)


Your traineeship will focus in particular on observing and assisting:
  • the Secretariat in implementing the programme of activities, with its operational and administrative tasks, with particular emphasis on organising thematic and statutory meetings;
  • in contributing to the drafting of working documents, reports, notes, correspondences;
  • in proposing communication activities promoting the Bern Convention, in particular possible updates to the content of the Bern Convention website and communication tools;
  • in carrying out researches and analysis on specific topics;
  • in contributing to effective and efficient team work in the Secretariat


  • Some knowledge of nature conservation, natural sciences, biology, environmental law
  • Concern for quality
  • Service orientation
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Communication

Data Protection Unit

Data Protection Unit


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:                    

  • working with the staff of Data Protection Unit to promote the ratifications for modernised Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (Convention 108+) (T-PD).
  • supporting the Secretariat of T-PD with its services to this Committee under the aforesaid Convention (e.g. seeking and providing information and ideas on new digital technologie and data protection, assistance in organisation of T-PD meetings);
  • contributing to the development of data protection and artificial intelligence cooperation programmes to identify needs of States (e.g. assisting with country profiles);
  • working with the staff of Data Protection Unit in its follow-up of the developments in the data protection and privacy fields, as well relevant case-law of the European Court on Human Rights.


  • Some knowledge of national and/or international data protection law and of the privacy challenges resulting from the increasing use of new information and communication technologies
  • Concern for quality
  • Drafting skills
  • Teamwork and co-operation

Secretariat of the Council of Europe International Cooperation Group on Drugs and Addictions (Pompidou Group)

Secretariat of the Council of Europe International Cooperation Group on Drugs and Addictions (Pompidou Group)


Your traineeship will focus on assisting and observing in the:                    

  • preparation and follow-up of the statutory meetings of the member States (Permanent Correspondents);
  • monitoring of drug and addiction policy developments at international and national levels;
  • research on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights;
  • monitoring of work on drugs and addictions within the European Union (European Commission, EUDA) and the United Nations (UNODC, WHO);
  • monitoring of the activities of key civil society actors (IDPC, Global Commission on Drugs, Correlation, Harm Reduction International, EU Civil Society Forum on Drugs);
  • contribution to the work of the Pompidou Group in the field of new forms of addiction (Internet, social networks, online addictions).


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Concern for quality
  • Learning and development
  • Communication
  • Teamwork and co-operation

Committee on Counter-Terrorism (CDCT)

 Committee on Counter-Terrorism (CDCT)


Your traineeship will focus on assisting and observing in:                    

  • participating in the development and implementation of projects and activities envisaged in the Counter-terrorism 2023-2027 Strategy;
  • research on different counter-terrorism matters;
  • contributing to the preparation of working documents for meetings of Counter-terrorism experts; 
  • drafting meeting reports;
  • contributing to the practical organisation of meetings of Counter-terrorism experts working groups;
  • updating the website on Counter-terrorism related aspects.


  • Organisational and contextual awareness
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Learning and development
  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Initiative

Medicrime and Trafficking in Human Organs

Medicrime and Trafficking in Human Organs


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:                                                                 

  • supporting the monitoring of criminal-law conventions compliance (MEDICRIME, organ trafficking and Nicosia conventions) across the Organisation;
  • responding to criminal-law queries under the supervision of the Executive Secretary;
  • assisting the different Committee of the Parties with drafting or review working documents;
  • reviewing and updating content of the Council of Europe criminal-law conventions websites;
  • assisting the Executive Secretary during the meetings of the Committee of the Parties, Bureau, Groups of Experts and Working Groups, and other meetings related to transversal health activities;  
  • providing support to the preparation of communication materials.


  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Drafting skills
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Communication

Department for the Implementation of Human Rights, Justice and Legal Co-operation Standard

 Department for the Implementation of Human Rights, Justice and Legal Co-operation Standard


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting:
  • supporting the Department in the implementation and monitoring of ongoing projects by contributing to the preparation and implementation of project activities, preparation of project-related draft documents (administrative and substance-related); assisting in preparing reports;
  • the organisation of events, including, but not limited to, preparing draft concepts and agendas, drawing up draft lists of participants; dealing with other organisational matters, internal and external communication for such events;
  • carrying out research and analysis (including legal) to support other activities of the Department;
  • proofreading and correcting linguistic and grammatical errors within texts and documents; translating documents and texts related to project activities from/to English; checking translations;
  • recording, maintaining, and updating a variety of data (files, documents, web sites, documentation tools, etc.); 
  • the review of selected HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) online courses, updating content and relevant legal and visual resources;
  • conducting desk research for training needs assessment with regard to human rights, contributing to data collection and analysis on implementation of HELP courses;
  • attending meetings and events organised by HELP (working group meetings for course development/update), course launch events and training of trainers held in Strasbourg etc.) and drafting reports, briefs, contributions, media posts and articles, meeting reports, as requested.


  • Drafting skills
  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Concern for quality
  • Communication
  • Teamwork and co-operation

09. Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity (DG II)

Culture and Cultural Heritage for Democracy Division

Democratic Institutions and Freedoms Department

 Culture and Cultural Heritage


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • drafting studies/reviews on selected topics;
  • supporting the collection and analysis of information related to selected topics;
  • daily tasks of the division, with particular emphasis on ongoing activities;
  • the development, implementation and communication of projects carried out by the Division;
  • reviewing and updating content of the Division website.


  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Drafting skills
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Teamwork and co-operation 

Democratic Institutions and Civil Society Division

Democratic Institutions and Civil Society Division


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting:

  • the Secretariat on issues related to democracy, its institutions and processes, good governance, elections, civil participation and civil society, helping to organise meetings of the Steering Committee on Democracy (CDDEM) and its subordinate bodies, preparing draft meeting agendas, taking notes and following up actions as appropriate;
  • in supporting the organisation of internal and external meetings and events, including by drafting minutes of meetings and preparing presentations;
  • in the preparation of reports and policy papers by conducting research and readying information notes on topics within the Division’s field of competence;
  • in conducting administrative and organisational tasks to support the activities of the Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations (CINGO) or the World Forum for Democracy (WFD) coordinated by the Secretariat.


  • Some knowledge in democratic institutions and processes, good governance, elections, civil participation and civil society
  • Results orientation
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Communication

Secretariat of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)

 Directorate of Equal Rights and Dignity 

 Anti-discrimination Department

 Secretariat of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)


The traineeships mainly focus on observing and assisting in:

  • organising the collection of background material and preparing briefing papers for ECRI country visits;
  • research on topics relevant for ECRI’s work;
  • following related developments in the field of racism, discrimination and intolerance in Europe and beyond;
  • attending ECRI’s plenary and secretariat meetings, as well as meetings and events of other relevant Council of Europe bodies, as required. 


  • Some knowledge of issues related to racism, discrimination and various forms of intolerance 
  • Concern for quality
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Teamwork and co-operation

Education Department

 Education Department


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • projects or activities related to a variety of work fields within the Education Department, including, but not limited to, higher and further education, formal and non-formal education, history and language education, digital transformation;
  • gathering, researching, analysing, and integrating a wide range of data, information or documentation;
  • drafting of:
    • information and activity reports for meetings (text and powerpoint);
    • concept notes and activity programmes;
    • statutory and other meeting reports;
    • briefing notes for meetings and visits;
  • the organisation of conferences, meetings and other events; taking minutes;
  • preparing communication materials, including for the web and social media.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Learning and development
  • Communication
  • Drafting skills

Youth Department

 Youth Department



All traineeships at the Youth Department will focus on assisting and observing in:

  • researching information, data collection and analysis, to inform studies and other documents;
  • drafting of:
    • information and activity reports for meetings (text and powerpoint);
    • concept notes and activity programmes;
    • statutory and other meeting reports;
    • briefing notes for meetings and visits;
  • preparing communication materials, including for the web and social media;
  • the organisation of conferences, seminars, statutory meetings and other events;
  • administrative, and other tasks, at the request of the heads of division, of the daily work of the team.

Specifically for the European Youth Centre (EYC) (Budapest and Strasbourg), the traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • planning, implementing and evaluating intercultural non-formal education and training activities within the Youth for Democracy programme, under the co-ordination of the Educational Advisors;
  • meeting and exchanging with the Youth Department’s partner youth civil society organisations and their representatives in the context of the hosting of the annual programme of study sessions in co-operation with international youth civil society organisations at the EYC;
  • supporting the smooth running of the programme of the EYC and contributing to a co-operative atmosphere with other services of the centre;
  • contact and exchange with participants and experts involved in the activities held in the EYC;
  • drafting, preparing, and disseminating social media content, including short videos, posts, and posters on the Council of Europe youth social media channels such as Instagram and Facebook;
  • tasks related to other EYC activities, at the request of the EYC’s Executive Directors and Deputy Directors.

Specifically for the European Youth Foundation (EYF) (Strasbourg), the traineeship will focus on observing and assisting with the:

  • organisation and implementation of EYF calls for projects and grant applications for youth non-governmental organisations (NGOs); 
  • assessment process of grant applications submitted to the EYF;
  • EYF communication and assistance measures to beneficiary organisations, including the organisation of capacity-building activities, meetings and seminars for youth NGOs;
  • collection of information on developments and the situation of youth civil society in Council of Europe member States. 

Specifically for the Youth Policy Division (Strasbourg), the traineeship will focus on supporting the:

  • implementation of youth policy cooperation with member States, notably through the preparation of information materials for member States and research on youth policy challenges in the requesting country;
  • activities carried out in the framework of the EU/CoE Youth Partnership project, such as research, minute taking, proofreading and finalisation of project deliverables.


  • Drafting skills
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Communication
  • Learning and development
  • Adaptability

Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA)

 Directorate for Democracy

 Democratic Institutions and Freedoms Department - Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA)


Your traineeship will focus on the implementation of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme by observing and assisting in:

  • organising the main activities of the programme, such as EPA Governing Board meeting, EPA Bureau meeting, Annual Advisory Forum;
  • preparing different documents for statutory meetings, including meeting documents and proceedings;
  • communication-related activities, such as preparing news, press articles, Facebook posts;
  • support for regular administrative tasks, such as preparation of meeting reports, letters, e-mail replies, translations ; 
  • support in the organisation of training seminars for EPA member States.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Adaptability
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Communication
  • Initiative




Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in: 

  • collecting, verifying and organising information related to international film co-production;
  • verifying, updating and completing information in internal databases; 
  • compiling press revues;
  • data quality checks.


  • Some knowledge of international film co-production and distribution
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Concern for quality
  • Teamwork and co-operation

Freedom of Expression, CDMSI, Cooperation

 Directorate for Democracy

 Freedom of Expression, CDMSI, Cooperation


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • the coordination of the CDMSI related matters (preparation of plenary meetings; review/draft of relevant documents, etc.;
  • activities related to Journalists Matter Campaign for the Safety of Journalists (research, meeting report drafting, etc.);
  • the work of the secreatriat to the CDMSI expert committees;
  • reviewing and regularly updating the division’s relevant webpages and other digital/social media content;
  • proofreading and finalising the policy advice documents on freedom of expression;
  • proofreading, editing, and finalising the news and information on the website.


  • Some knowledge of standards on freedom of expression, meia freedom and safety of journalists
  • Communication
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Drafting skills
  • Teamwork and co-operation

Gender Equality Division

 Directorate of Equal Rights and Dignity 

 Human Dignity and Gender Equality Department - Gender Equality Division


Traineeships focus on observing and assisting in:                    

  • carrying out research, preparing policy documents, meeting and other reports, briefings, speaking notes, information documents, and preparing activities pertaining to gender equality, including the meetings of the Gender Equality Commission (GEC) and its subordinate bodies;  
  • the design, planification and implementation of other intergovernmental activities in the field of gender equality aimed at achieving the objectives of the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy, including annual conferences, thematic events, awareness-raising campaigns and gender mainstreaming activities;
  • the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of technical cooperation projects of the Gender Equality Division, such as carrying out research,  contributing to the preparation of documents (i.e. reports, briefings, speaking notes, news items, including editing documents) and events, collecting and analysing data, contributing to communication and visibility initiatives, assisting experts and liaising with stakeholders. 


  • Some knowledge of gender equality issues
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Drafting skills
  • Concern for quality
  • Teamwork and co-operation

Trafficking in Human Beings Division (GRETA)

 Directorate of Equal Rights and Dignity 

 Human Dignity and Gender Equality Department

 Trafficking in Human Beings Division


Traineeships focus on observing and assisting in:

  • supporting the preparation of meetings for the two bodies of the monitoring mechanism of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings – GRETA and the Committee of the Parties;
  • carrying out research for the preparation of GRETA country evaluation visits;
  • supporting the communication’s aspects of the work of the Division;
  • preparing events, meetings, seminars and conferences as relevant by assisting in the drafting of documents, elements for speeches and presentations.


  • Results orientation
  • Learning and development
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Drafting skills

Hate Speech, Hate Crime and Artificial Intelligence Unit

 Directorate of Equal Rights and Dignity 

 Anti-discrimination Department

 Inclusion and Anti-discrimination Programmes Division - Hate Speech, Hate Crime and Artificial Intelligence Unit


The traineeships focus on observing and assisting the:

  • project officers with organising technical assistance activities, including seminars and training courses, thematic research and administrative tasks as needed;
  • preparation of contributions and briefings, as well as supporting the collection of information on relevant developments in member States, Civil Society Organisations and other International Organisatoins;
  • communication of the Unit’s work, including by supporting the creation of posts and content for the Unit’s website and social media.


  • Results orientation
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Service orientation
  • Drafting skills

Division of National Minorities and Minority Languages

 Directorate of Equal Rights and Dignity 

 Anti-discrimination Department

 Division of National Minorities and Minority Languages


The traineeships mainly focus on observing and assisting in:

  • the collection of background material and the preparation of briefing papers for country visits of the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (ACFC) and the Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (COMEX);
  • research on topics relevant for ACFC and COMEX’s work;
  • following related developments in the field of protecting and promoting minority rights and the use of regional or minority languages;
  • attending ACFC and COMEX’s plenary meetings and Division meetings, as well as meetings and events of other relevant Council of Europe bodies, as required. 


  • Some knowledge of issues related to the protection and promotion of minority rights and the use of regional or minority languages 
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Adaptability

Roma and Travellers Division

 Directorate of Equal Rights and Dignity 

 Anti-discrimination Department

 Roma and Travellers Division


The traineeships focus on observing and assisting in:

  • conducting research on the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, the decisions and/or conclusions of the European Committee of Social Rights and ECRI recommendations regarding specific topics related to Roma inclusion;
  • conducting research on various areas of Roma inclusion (education, employment, housing, health, antigypsyism, etc.) in Council of Europe member States and providing assistance with the implementation and final evaluation of strategic priorities of the Council of Europe;
  • organising meetings and other activities of the Roma and Travellers Team (including tasks such as preparing lists of participants, communicating with speakers, collecting speaking notes, drafting talking points and other meeting documents);
  • contributing to the visibility of actions of the Roma and Travellers Division.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Communication
  • Concern for quality
  • Service orientation

Safety of Journalists Platform

Democratic Institutions and Freedoms Department

 Safety of Journalists Platform


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • the daily management of alerts and alert-related content on the Internet-based Platform;
  • preparing the publication of a weekly newsletter;
  • the production, publication and distribution of publications of the Platform, especially the annual report by the partner organisations;
  • organising meetings and events;
  • the development, implementation and communication of projects and activities carried out by the Platform.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Communication
  • Concern for quality
  • Learning and development

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) Unit

Directorate of Equal Rights and Dignity / Anti-discrimination Department

 Inclusion and Anti-discrimination Programmes Division

 Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) Unit


The traineeships focus on observing and assisting the:                    

  • Unit’s policy advisors by conducting research and contributing to the review of working documents for the Committee of Experts (ADI-SOGIESC);
  • project officers with organising technical assistance activities, including thematic research and administrative tasks as needed;
  • preparation of contributions and briefings, as well as supporting the collection of information on relevant developments in member States and other IOs;
  • communication of the SOGIESC Unit’s work, including by supporting the creation of posts and content for the Unit’s website and social media.


  • Results orientation
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Service orientation
  • Communication

Human Dignity and Gender Equality Department - Violence Against Women Division

 Directorate of Equal Rights and Dignity

 Human Dignity and Gender Equality Department

 Violence Against Women Division


Traineeships focus on observing and assisting in:

  • supporting the preparation of meetings for the two bodies of the monitoring mechanism of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention), specifically the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) and the Committee of the Parties;
  • preparing checklists of sources for country evaluation procedures;
  • conducting additional research tasks to support specific country evaluation procedures or other activities undertaken by the Division;
  • preparing events, meetings, seminars and conferences as relevant by assisting in the drafting of documents, elements for speeches and presentations.


  • Results orientation
  • Concern for quality
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Communication
  • Learning and development

Anti-discrimination Cooperation Unit

 Directorate of Equal Rights and Dignity 

 Anti-discrimination Department

 Inclusion and Anti-discrimination Programmes Division - Anti-discrimination Cooperation Unit


The traineeships focus on observing and assisting the:

  • project teams in planning and organising activities, including providing logistic and administrative support upon need, organising preparatory meetings, etc.;
  • compilation of background research on selected topics in the anti-discrimination and anti-racism domain, for specific countries covered by cooperation activities;
  • compilation of project reports and other narrative requests reaching the Unit, including by coordinating inputs, taking minutes, etc.;
  • communication of the Unit’s work, including by supporting the creation of posts and content for the Unit’s website and social media.

The following competencies are desirable:

  • Results orientation
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Service orientation
  • Drafting skills

 The Competency Framework is available here

Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI)

 Directorate of Equal Rights and Dignity 

 Anti-discrimination Department

 Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI)


The traineeship focuses on observing and assisting in:

  • conducting research and analysis and contributing to drafting studies, reports and standards in the fields covered by the mandate of the CDADI and its substructures;
  • monitoring developments in the fields of activity of the CDADI and contributing to the preparation of thematic conferences, webinars or other events; 
  • compiling and proof-reading documents for the CDADI and its substructures; 
  • contributing to the preparation of meetings of the CDADI and its substructures, including administrative aspects and document preparation as required; and
  • participating in meetings of the CDADI, its substructures and other Council of Europe bodies, taking notes and following up on actions agreed.

The following competencies are desirable:

  • Learning and development
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Concern for quality
  • Drafting skills

 The Competency Framework is available here

Children’s Rights Division

 Directorate of Equal Rights and Dignity

 Human Dignity and Gender Equality Department

 Children’s Rights Division


Traineeships focus on observing and assisting in:

  • the organisation of activities coordinated by the four units of the Children’s Rights Division, including the Secretariat of the Lanzarote Committee, the Steering Committee for the Rights of the Child (CDENF), the Consultation Group on the Children of Ukraine (CGU) and the Cooperation Project Unit;
  • preparing concept notes and background documents on the rights of the child, taking notes during meetings in view of preparing Committee meeting reports;
  • conducting research on the rights of the child;
  • making presentations at meetings with visitors interested in the rights of the child;
  • proofreading of documents if appropriate.

The following competencies are desirable:

  • Some knowledge of the rights of the child
  • Results orientation
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Communication
  • Service orientation

 The Competency Framework is available here

10. Directorate General of Administration

Travel Office

Interpretation, Travel, Events and Multimedia Service (ITEM)

Travel Office


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • providing helpdesk support for the GDD travel tool;
  • creating guides and “how to” procedures to provide to users in case of need;
  • managing the travel insurance request for Ukraine and the others excluded countries from the standard insurance policy of the CoE;
  • creating travel insurance certificates for staff members and experts on official missions.


  • Communication
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Service orientation
  • Initiative
  • Planning and work organisation

Recruitment and Employment Management Division

Directorate of Human Resources (DHR)

Recruitment and Employment Management Division


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • modernising working methods of the Traineeship Office;
  • reviewing and updating content of the Council of Europe recruitment website;
  • external recruitment procedures;
  • participating in the development, implementation and communication of projects carried out by the Division and the Directorate.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Communication
  • Learning and development
  • Service orientation

11. Directorate of Communications

Directorate of Communications

 Directorate of Communications


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:                    

  • communication tasks relating to the work and mandate of the Organisation;
  • the organisation of meetings, visits, events, press conferences…; providing assistance during PACE sessions and other major events;
  • translating short texts between relevant languages; helping with research;
  • the preparation of draft briefings on spectif topics and briefing packs for journalists on specific themes and country-specific factsheets;
  • the production of content for social media or for the Organisation’s web pages
  • the daily duties of the Press team; drafting press releases, news items for the Council of Europe website and for the Week ahead newsletter
  • updating AFP news on the Press Review news portal and the intranet news portal with the CoE news coverage in different languages;
  • updating the CoE media coverage statistics;
  • participating in marketing campaigns for the commercial publications of the Organisation.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Drafting skills
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Service orientation

12. Directorate of Political Affairs and External Relations

Liaison Office to the European Union

 Directorate of Political Affairs and External Relations

 Liaison Office to the European Union

 Brussels, Belgium

Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • conferences and events organised by various European Institutions (in particular, the European Parliament, the Council, and the Commission) as well as other non-governmental and international organisations, especially the United Nations Offices, and renowned think-tanks in Brussels, and the subsequent reports;
  • following various debates in the Parliamentary Committees such as Foreign Affairs, Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Human Rights, Culture and Education, and Gender Equality;
  • research and preparation of files for the Head of Office and his Deputy on priority matters of Council of Europe-EU relations;
  • covering the main developments within the EU, including on matters of interest to the Council of Europe, such as human rights and legal policies, EU’s neighbourhood policies or enlargement policies; EU’s engagement on judicial and rule of law developments;
  • contributing to the smooth functioning of the Office, by integrating as staff of the office, by co-operating with the relevant colleagues, and by helping prepare events hosted in the Office or other Council of Europe events organised in Brussels: this may include various types of tasks of preliminary research and documentation, as well as administrative and logistical tasks.


  • Drafting skills
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Communication
  • Learning and development
  • Teamwork and co-operation

Permanent Delegation of the Council of Europe to the United Nations Office and other international organisations in Geneva

Permanent Delegation of the Council of Europe to the United Nations Office and other international organisations in Geneva

 Geneva, Switzerland

Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • meetings of organisations in Geneva to which the Permanent Delegation is accredited or observer (UN, WHO, IOM, UNHCR, UNICEF, ILO, ICRC, etc.);
  • preparing meeting reports;
  • establishing and maintaining contacts for the Permanent Delegation with other Missions;
  • collaborating in the organisation of high-level visits and events, such as side events to the Human Rights Council;
  • organising and accompanying the Head of Mission to meetings, in particular for the Universal Periodic Review and the sessions of the Human Rights Council, and representing the Permanent Delegation when necessary;
  • supporting the management of the Office e-mail and the Head of Mission’s agenda.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Drafting skills
  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Initiative
  • Adaptability

Confidence Building Measures and Policy Planning Division

 Directorate of Political Affairs and External Relations

 Confidence Building Measures and Policy Planning Division


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • implementating confidence-building co-operation activities involving partners from conflict-affected and post-conflict regions;
  • designing and planning of future CBM activities and projects;
  • planning and organisation of policy-planning initiatives within the mandate of the Directorate;
  • preparating briefings, speaking notes and other inputs as required, in co-operation with DPAER colleagues.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Drafting skills

Political Advice Division

 Directorate of Political Affairs and External Relations

 Political Advice Division


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:                    

  • tracking political developments in member States;
  • daily work of the Political Advisors and the Head of Division;
  • drafting of briefing materials for high-level meetings;
  • following and reporting on various meetings.


  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Drafting skills
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Communication
  • Teamwork and co-operation

External Relations Division

 Directorate of Political Affairs and External Relations

 External Relations Division


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • following and analysing the Council of Europe’s relations with other international organisations;
  • following and analysing the Council of Europe’s relations with non-member States;
  • drafting briefs and analytical documents concerning these relations in Council of Europe-related matters;
  • attending/following meetings of the Council of Europe bodies and other international organisations, either in person if in Strasbourg or on-line if outside, and reporting as relevant to the Head of Division and other staff members of the Division on such meetings;
  • performing other related duties as required.


  • Drafting skills
  • Concern for quality
  • Results orientation
  • Service orientation
  • Planning and work organisation

13. Directorate of Legal Advice and Public International Law

14. Directorate of Internal Oversight

Internal Audit Division / Evaluation Division / Investigation Division

 Directorate of Internal Oversight

 Internal Audit Division

 Evaluation Division /  Investigation Division


Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • the conduct of audit assignments (audits or advisories), the management and/or conduct of evaluations, or the conduct of assignments related to prevention, detection, and investigation of wrongdoing, in line with the DIO Charter;
  • researching and summing up information;
  • collecting and analysing data;
  • assisting with the updating of procedures and improvement of audit activity reporting.


  • Planning and work organisation
  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Concern for quality
  • Drafting skills
  • Teamwork and co-operation

15. Registry of the Administrative Tribunal

Registry of the Administrative Tribunal

Registry of the Administrative Tribunal


Your traineeship will focus on assisting the Registry of the Administrative Tribunal by:

  • examining appeal files and other applications to the Administrative Tribunal;
  • researching case law and doctrine;
  • drafting legal analyses;
  • contributing to the preparation of the Tribunal’s sessions.


  • Analysis and problem solving
  • Drafting skills
  • Concern for quality
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Planning and work organisation

18. Staff Committee

Staff Committee

Staff Committee


Your traineeship will focus on assisting and observing in:

  • completing the preparatory documentation for the “review clause”: 
    • identification of proposals made by the Staff Committee (SC) during statutory consultations which were not taken up by the administration; 
    • consultation of the elected representatives of the SC on this basis;
    • compilation of improvement proposals collected so far following feedback; 
  • carrying out and monitoring the event for legal aid to staff members:
    • consultation with other International Organisation on how legal aid to staff members is ensured;
    • designing a survey for all CSAIO (Conference of Staff Associations of International Organisations) members;
    • drafting a report with possible possible solutions to foster legal aid to staff members;
    • drafting a seminar programme; 
    • preparation of working documents for the SC and the General Meeting of Staff (GMS); 
    • participation in consultations with the entities concerned.


  • Concern for quality
  • Results orientation
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Communication
  • Service orientation

19. Amicale




Your traineeship will focus on observing and assisting in:

  • administrative assistance to members of the Amicale regarding the organisation of events (writing press releases, preparing posters, texts);
  • compiling news articles, writing articles and producing the layout of the bi-monthly newsletter of the Amicale;
  • co-managing the shared mailbox of the Amicale under the supervision of the Amicale assistant; 
  • providing back-up for the Amicale assistant in day-to-day activities;
  • participating in Amicale events (this may require attendance during evenings) and representing the Amicale Bureau, when relevant, in a networking capacity;
  • remaining informed of relevant news and activities inside and outside the Organisation (at local level) and providing updates to the hierarchy with regards potential collaboration and partnership;
  • writing reports after participation in conferences and/or meetings (Parliamentary Assembly, European Parliament…).


  • Communication
  • Service orientation
  • Teamwork and co-operation
  • Planning and work organisation
  • Results orientation
Competency framework

  Check out the Competency Framework to better understand what we are looking for. 

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