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Values-based youth work in war context

 The Council of Europe and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine are organising a study visit and seminar for youth workers and representatives of youth centres providing youth work during war time in Ukraine. The study visit will bring together over thirty participants who continue organising and providing youth work in various regions and places of Ukraine.

The activity responds to the needs of the youth sector in Ukraine to strengthen competence and motivation of the specialists who are responding to challenges in their communities caused by military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

 The activity will be held at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg from 5 to 10 December 2022.

 The participants will meet with Council of Europe and the city of Strasbourg officials, explore the educational resources and policy approaches of the youth sector, meet with other youth workers from Strasbourg and quality-labelled Youth Centres and share their experiences and aspirations as youth workers committed to value-based activities that support young people in times of war. The programme extends the support provided to youth work in Ukraine through the project Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: Phase II.

After the study visit, the participants will be able to implement their activities in Ukraine based on the values of the Council of Europe, the resources of its youth sector and network with other youth workers within Ukraine and beyond.

 This study visit will take place within the Framework Programme for Cooperation in the field of Youth Policy between the Council of Europe and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine for 2021-2025. The Framework Programme has supported youth policy reforms in Ukraine and the implementation of relevant strategy programmes, notably the National Youth Strategy 2030, the State Target Social Programme “Youth of Ukraine” 2021-2025, and new legislation in the field of youth policy and youth work in Ukraine. The priorities and modes of intervention reflect the orientations of the Council of Europe Youth Sector Strategy 2030.

Council of Europe Strasbourg 05 December 2022
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