The use of digital technologies in elections has been in the focus of the Council of Europe and its member states for the past twenty years. Certain digital solutions used during the electoral cycle were first covered by the Recommendation Rec(2004)11 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in 2004 and then by the new Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)5 adopted in 2017.
The Council of Europe publication “Digital technologies in elections: questions, lessons learned, perspectives”* presents an overview of the relevant international legal instruments as well as issues and principles for regulatory framework which should be taken into account by legislators and election management bodies when introducing digital solutions in the electoral process.
Moreover, the paper focuses on the main digital technologies applied or envisaged for application during the electoral cycle. It also identifies a list of check-up questions on the compliance of such technologies with the principles of democratic elections.
The above mentioned publication is available in Ukrainian and English. It should be noted that electoral and political processes are country specific, therefore, positive experience of introduction of the digital solutions in one country does not mean that similar solutions would be successfully implemented in another country. However, the publication contains findings and conclusions that can be applicable in any country where the use of digital solutions in the electoral process is considered.
*The publication and its translation into Ukrainian was supported by the Division of Elections and Civil Society of the Council of Europe in the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Supporting the transparency, inclusiveness and integrity of electoral practice in Ukraine”.