Back A series of online seminars for communities in Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Mykolaiv regions regarding the verification of property rights for housing damaged or destroyed during the war has been completed

A series of online seminars for communities in Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Mykolaiv regions regarding the verification of property rights for housing damaged or destroyed during the war has been completed

In December 2023, online seminars on "Property ownership confirmation and termination procedures in the context of access to compensation for housing damaged or destroyed during the war" were organized by the Council of Europe Project "Strengthening Judicial and Non-Judicial Remedies for the Human Rights Protection of the War-Affected People in Ukraine" (the Project), in collaboration with the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, and NGO "Get It Back".

The seminars, conducted in online format over three consecutive days, targeted representatives from Kyiv and Kyiv region on December 11, Chernihiv region on December 12, and Mykolaiv region on December 13.

Approximately 100 participants, including members of the local compensation commissions, local authorities` representatives, and specialists from the centers for administrative services involved in processing compensation applications, attended the seminars.

Ms. Nataliia Kozlovska, Deputy Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, stressed the importance of professional discussion on the pertinent issues of confirming and terminating property ownership rights for homes destroyed due to the Russian armed aggression. She expressed confidence that such events would enhance the awareness of local authorities, particularly those where the compensation commissions have been established, regarding the legal details of verifying property ownership rights for destroyed homes. This shall also contribute to better awareness of the war-affected home-owners seeking for advice and support from the local authorities regarding access to the national compensation tools.

Ms. Milica Djunic, Project Coordinator, Co-operation Programmes Division of the Council of Europe, expressed support for the participants and shared the prospects of establishing an international compensation mechanism for Ukraine. She emphasised the establishment in May 2023, under the auspices of the Council of Europe, of the Register of Damage caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. This Register will receive and process information on claims of damage caused by the Russian Federation’s internationally wrongful acts in or against Ukraine to individuals, legal entities, local communities, and Ukraine as a whole, within internationally recognised state borders, starting from February 24, 2022.

The Register of damage for Ukraine is the first component of the future international compensation mechanism which may include a claims commission and a compensation fund, emphasised the Project Manager Ganna Khrystova. However, this process may take years. Nevertheless, individuals who have been left without shelter due to the war require housing solutions already now. For that reason, the launch of the national compensation tools for destroyed and damaged homes in Ukraine is a very positive development. It is crucial that such mechanisms are transparent and accessible to the citizens concerned. Clear and understandable rules for property ownership verification are essential elements of such accessibility.

The seminars addressed practical questions such as – the application of property ownership confirmation procedures for compensation purposes, the termination of the property rights for destroyed homes, and the property title consequences for the land plot on which the destroyed house was located. The sessions also delved into scenarios involving the loss of property title documents, guiding participants on when to approach state registrars and when legal action may be necessary. The inheritance procedure for destroyed real estate, the right to compensation, and housing certificates were also explored in details.

Answers to these and other questions have been addressed by the seminar`s experts representing the national consultants of the Project – NGO "Get It Back": Ms. Olga Onishchuk, Get It Back Founder, and Mr. Andrii Slabinskyi, Get It Back Director.

The seminars included interactive case study analysis, allowing participants to delve into real-life problematic cases related to property owner verification for destroyed homes. Considering the regulations on compensation, the attendees were required to choose the most acceptable solution in a specific life situation. This practical approach received positive feedback from participants.

Similar practical events are planned for representatives of communities from other regions of Ukraine affected by destruction caused by Russian aggression, as well as from regions where a significant number of IDPs currently reside.

Kyiv, Ukraine 20 December 2023
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