The Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the protection of national minorities, including Roma and minority languages ​​in Ukraine” is launching a call for proposals to receive Grants for activities protecting the rights of national minorities and Roma, as well as the implementation of the Council of Europe standards in the context of Russian military aggression against Ukraine.

This call aims to support NGOs in ensuring protection of rights of national minorities and Roma in current situation in Ukraine, working in close cooperation with central and local level authorities.

The Grantees will remain responsible for administration of the funds which have been granted.

The grants will fund projects designed to:

  • With regards to central level initiatives, under LOT 1: Ensure responses to urgent needs of national minorities, including Roma and vulnerable groups and provide support to community members in times of Russian military aggression against Ukraine, including in cooperation with the Ombudsperson’s regional offices or the Parliamentary Committee for Human Rights.
  • With regards to regional and local level initiatives, under LOT 2: Strengthen Local Action Groups, coalitions and platforms build within the COE Project, that will ensure local level interventions to protect rights of national minorities during the Russian military aggression against Ukraine in cooperation with regional and local authorities.

Further to the general objective, preference will be given to:

For LOT 1: Projects/actions proposed by NGOs in partnership with the Ombudsperson Office or the Parliament Committee on Human Rights, as authorities working with/on national minorities issues during Russian military aggression against Ukraine.

For LOT 2: Projects/actions targeting the following regions Ukraine: Odesa, Volyn, Transcarpathia, Zaporizhzhia, Chernihiv, Lviv and Vinnytsia.

Projects should include specifically tailored activities to the current circumstances, notably by proposing the following sample activities:

  • Provision of services such as legal and other social form of assistance to vulnerable groups (LOT 1; LOT 2).
  • Monitoring and reporting on human rights violations against members of national minorities and Roma (LOT 1).
  • Local level assistance to internally displaced members of national minorities and Roma due to the Russian military aggression against Ukraine (LOT 2).


  • The Application form completed and signed, together with the supporting documents, must be submitted in electronic form (preferably Word and PDF) – see Appendix I;
  • Estimated budget completed and signed must be submitted in electronic form (Excel) – see Appendix II.

The Council of Europe intends to award 3 grants of a maximum amount of 472,175 UAH (LOT 1, central level grants) each and 5 grants of a maximum amount of 157,392 UAH (LOT 2, local level grants) each.

Other (additional) supporting documents include:

  • Statute of the organisation, or the equivalent;
  • Income and expenditure statement for 2021;
  • Certificate(s) of registration as a non-profit organisation;
  • Plan of work for the proposed project (list of activities);
  • CV(s) of the project manager(s);
  • Letter of support on cooperation with central or local authorities (for LOT 1).

The deadline for the submission of applications 20 June 2022 (by 23:59 Kyiv local time).

Applications received after the above-mentioned date will not be considered.

Applications should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Emails should contain the following reference in subject: GRANTS MINORITIES UKRAINE

All questions regarding this specific call for proposals must be sent at the latest 5 days before the deadline for the submission of proposals, and shall be EXCLUSIVELY sent to the following address:, with the following reference in subject: QUESTIONS GRANTS MINORITIES UKRAINE

More information about the call for proposals and the application procedure can be found at: Call for Proposals

APPENDICES for proposals:

Kyiv, Ukraine 03 June 2022
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Action Plan 2023-2026


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