Back Call for proposals: grants to support actions in the sphere of social rights in Ukraine

Call for proposals: grants to support actions in the sphere of social rights in Ukraine

The Council of Europe Project “Enhanced Social Protection in Ukraine” implemented in the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resiliency, Recovery and Reconstruction” for 2023-2026 launches a call for grant proposals.

The grants will fund projects designed to supporting actions of the non-governmental organisations in Ukraine in the sphere of social rights in Ukraine. The implementation period of the projects should start not earlier than on 15 January 2024 and shall not extend beyond 15 July 2024. Grants should aim at strengthening the social rights policies and practices on local and national levels in Ukraine in compliance with the European standards in the field of social and economic rights, and include one or more of the following areas: right to work (vis-à-vis Art. 1-4 European Social Charter (ESC), right to protection of health (vis-à-vis Art. 11 ESC), rights of children (vis-à-vis Art.7&17 ESC), right to benefit from social welfare services (vis-à-vis Art. 14 ESC), rights of persons with disabilities (vis-à-vis Art. 15 ESC), rights of older persons (vis-à-vis Art 23 ESC), right to protection against poverty and social exclusion (vis-à-vis Art. 30 ESC), right to housing (vis-à-vis Art. 31 ESC).


  • Complete and sign the Application Form (See Appendix I);
  • Attach a provisional budget (using the template reproduced in Appendix II);
  •  Attach the other supporting documents:
    • copy of the registration documents, including the certificate as a non-profit organisation;
    • bank certificate confirming bank details;
    • copy of the Statute of the organisation, or the equivalent
    • Income and expenditure statement for 2022
    • CVs of permanent and temporary staff to be involved in the grant implementation
    • organisation’s portfolio including record and experience in the sphere of social rights protection in Ukraine;
  • Send these documents in electronic form (Word .and/or PDF) to the following e-mail address: Emails should contain the following reference in subject: Grant proposal_9138-30.

Applications must be received before 19 November 2023 (at 23:59 CET).

Questions regarding this specific call for proposals must be sent at the latest one week before the deadline for the submission of proposals, in English, and shall be exclusively sent to the following address:, with the following reference in subject: Questions regarding Grant procedure 9138-30.

The Grant Agreement will be signed with the selected Grantees and is published only for information issues. 

The Council of Europe Project “Enhanced Social Protection in Ukraine” is aimed to attain that people form vulnerable groups, including war-affected population in Ukraine, enjoy improved level of social rights and social protection.



Kyiv, Ukraine 20 October 2023
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Action Plan 2023-2026


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