The Council of Europe is currently implementing the project “Strengthening multi-level governance, democracy and human rights at local level in Ukraine” within the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” for 2023–2026, is launching a tender procedure for purchase of media consultancy services to boost the visibility of supported local initiatives on open government and human rights at local level in Ukraine.
Tenderers are invited to submit:
- A completed and signed copy of the Act of Engagement (see attached);
- Registration documents (scanned copies in Ukrainian), for legal persons only;
- Company`s portfolio with relevant experience and detailed CV of responsible manager;
- Links to the samples of previous work or other relevant documents specific to the media consultancy experience (if the original document is not in English, it should be accompanied with a summary in English).
For detailed information and specification please consult the documents below.
Deadline for submission of tenders is 23 August 2024 (14:00 Kyiv time) at the email: with reference Tender – 9144/2024/26.