The Council of Europe Project «Rights of Veterans and Personnel of Armed Forces in Ukraine», implemented within the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine «Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction» 2023-2026, extends the acceptance of applications under the tender procedure for procurement and delivery of IT equipment and software for the Office of the Ombudsperon.
- A new deadline for submission of tenders/offers ► 10 February 2025 17h59 Kyiv time
- A new expected starting date of execution ► 17 February 2025
Tenders shall be submitted by email only (with attachments) to the email address with the following reference in subject: Tender –9214/2024/10_Name of your company.
Tenders addressed to another email address will be rejected.
All questions shall be submitted at least 3 (three) working days before the deadline for submission of the tenders and shall be exclusively addressed to with the following reference in subject: Questions - 9214/2024/10.
Documents to be provided:
- A completed and signed copy of the Contract (see document attached) with all applications:
- Proof of relevant experience in provision of IT equipment and software, such as, for instance, pervious contracts for the provision of hardware and software (excluding the confidential information);
- Registration documents for legal persons.
All documents shall be submitted in English, failure to do so will result in the exclusion of the tender.
All documents must be completed, signed, scanned in full (with all pages) and sent as one document. Preference is given to scanned documents in PDF format.
If any of the documents listed above are missing, the Council of Europe reserves the right to reject the tender.
Attachments to the present announcement contain full description of the terms and conditions of the providers’ involvement.