Back CALL FOR TENDERS - Purchase of consultancy services for the elaboration of linguistic dictionaries for the monitoring Centre of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine

CALL FOR TENDERS - Purchase of consultancy services for the elaboration of linguistic dictionaries for the monitoring Centre of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine 


The Council of Europe project “Strengthening freedom of media, access to information and reinforcing public broadcasting system in Ukraine” (hereinafter ‘the Project’), implemented within the Action Plan for Ukraine 2018-2021, is launching a tender procedure for purchase of consultancy services for the elaboration of linguistic dictionaries for the monitoring centre of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine in order to support the capacity of the National Council to carry out effectively its monitoring function.


All offers should be sent to indicating “Tender 8572/2019/03” in the e-mail subject line by 23:59 on 07 May 2019 (Kyiv time).

All questions shall be submitted by 14:00 on 03 May 2019 (Kyiv time) and shall be exclusively addressed to the email address with the following reference in the e-mail subject: “Tender 8572/2019/03 Questions”.


  • The tenderer must have at least 3 years’ experience of provision of services similar to the ones requested in this Tender File or any other similar experience in research work using methods of content analysis.
  • Ability of the tenderer to provide the services/perform works within the deadlines foreseen in clause 5.2. of Section B of the Tender File (Tender File can be downloaded via the link below), namely:
    • І stage. Carrying ut of the research analysis by the developing company by means methodology defined by this company; elaboration of the draft dictionaries in accordance with the themes defined by clause 3.4 of the Terms of Reference – by 10 June 2019.
    • ІІ stage. Apprval of the draft dictionaries by the National Council – by 17 June 2019.
    • ІІІ stage. Finalizatin of the dictionaries and transfer of the output to the National Council and the Council of Europe – 24 June 2019.


Tenderers are invited to submit:

  • A completed and signed copy of the Act of Engagement[1] (See attached)
  • For tenderers subject to VAT only: a quote, describing their financial offer, in line with the requirements of section C of the Tender File (see above);
  • Registration documents (scan copies) in Ukrainian, with the mandatory description of the main information in English (in one paragraph, see Annex 1);
  • Examples of products (deliverables) that prove the experience of a tenderer of implementing researches with the help of content analysis methods - at least 3 (three) examples, with description of the respective carried out projects/researches (description must be provided in one paragraph, in English, see Annex 1) .
  • Reference letters from clients and partners of tenderer regarding the performance of services/carrying out works related to the creation of linguistic (lexical) dictionaries or other researches using content analysis methods - at least 3 reference letters, in English (full names of the referees, their positions, companies they work for and contact information (e-mail and mobile/work phone) – see Annex 1).
  • Completed in English and signed copy of Annex 1 (attached to this Tender File) that contains:
    • Brief description of the main registration information of the tenderer
    • Description of the tenderer’s at least 3 years’ experience of provision of services similar to the ones requested in this Tender File or any other similar experience in research work using methods of content analysis
    • Description of the provided examples (products/deliverables) that prove experience of the tenderer of implementing researches using the content analysis methods and the projects/researches in the result of which the provided examples were produced
    • Tender proposal that describes in detail the organization and course (conduct) of the research, methodology, conditions and stages of the creation of dictionaries and their subsequent verification
    • Detailed information on the staff of the tenderer that will be involved in the project using the selected methodology (full name, position, area of expertise, resume, list of implemented projects using content analysis methods over the last 3 years)
    • Cost estimate (tentative budget) with details in the lines of expenditure
    • Contact information of people who provided reference letters
    • Bank details
  • Resumes (in English) of the staff mentioned in Annex 1
  • A bank certificate proving that the tenderer has a bank account open, with all the requisites provided (if the document is issued in Ukrainian - the basic information must be provided in English in one paragraph).



As a result of the current tender, the following deliverables are expected:

  • At least 7 (seven) linguistic dictionaries, that meet the criteria described in the table below:


Title of the dictionary

Key terms, which need to be included in the course of elaboration of the dictionary

TV genres  (not less than 50% of the texts chosen for the analysis should be from the mentioned genres)


Invective Language


  • Detecting facts of broadcasting of rude (brutal), offensive words, collocations and statements, abusive language, etc.

cultural and artistic programmes,

entertainment programmes,

analytical news programmes


Minors Rights Protection


  • Detecting facts of broadcasting of information, which is likely to impair physical, intellectual and spiritual growth of under-age children and youth.
  • Detecting facts of promotion of violence and cruelty, dissemination of pornography and information, which disrespects human dignity and impairs moral wellbeing of a child, etc.

cultural and artistic programmes,

entertainment programmes,

analytical news programmes


Protection of Public Morality


  • Detecting facts of unjustified violence, propaganda of drugs, psychotropic substances with any purpose of their use.
  • Detecting facts of dissemination of information addressed to sexual instincts.

cultural and artistic programmes,

entertainment programmes,

analytical news programmes


Constitutional Order (System)


  • Detecting calls for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order (system) of Ukraine.
  • Detecting facts of dissemination of information that can be used for calls to overthrow the constitutional order.
  • Detecting facts of dissemination of information that contains calls for violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, etc.

analytical news programmes and journalistic programmes


Hate Speech


  • Detecting facts of dissemination of information that contains propaganda of war, violence, cruelty, incitement of ethnic, racial, religious hatred, commitment of terroristic acts, encroachment on human rights and freedoms, etc., including during election processes.

analytical news programmes and journalistic programmes


Social Stigmatization and Discrimination

  • Detecting facts of propaganda of negative attitude and discrimination related to individuals and social groups based of the state of health, profession or social background, faith, age, sex, nationality, etc.
  • Detecting facts of propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of persons based on their religious beliefs, ideology, their nation or race, physical condition or financial situation, social background, etc.

analytical news programmes and journalistic programmes, cultural and artistic programmes,

entertainment programmes,


Information Security of Ukraine

  • Detecting facts of propaganda of the institutions of the aggressor state and their separate acts that justify or recognize the legal nature of the occupation of the territory of Ukraine.
  • Detecting facts of coverage of the Operation of United Forces, coverage of the situation in the East of Ukraine and in Crimea (current state of affairs, internally displaced persons, war prisoners, political prisoners, veterans, volunteers, combatants, state and prospects for reintegration of temporarily uncontrolled territories).
  • Detecting facts of propaganda of main stages and experience of Ukraine’s State forming, values of freedom, democracy, patriotism, national unity, protection of Ukraine from external and internal threats, etc.

analytical news programmes and journalistic programmes


While forming the sample of texts for the analysis for the elaboration of the dictionaries, the Provider must include not less than 50% of texts of various genres (as indicated in the table above) of the total amount of analysed texts. Minimum quantity of texts, which are required to be analyzed in order to elaborate each of the dictionaries No. 2 to No. 7 from the table above (and clause 3.4 of the Terms of Reference) must amount to 1000 texts, to elaborate the dictionary No. 1 – not less than 100 texts.

Each dictionary from the list in the table above, should consist of the list of words, collocations, allologs (morphemes), syntactic constructions, terms, buzzwords (slang words), memes, etc. (hereinafter this list is also referred to as “entries” in the dictionary), high frequency of usage of which in texts may indicate signs of violations of the legislation in the area of TV and radio broadcasting and licensing terms and conditions.

Minimum quantity of entries in each dictionary must amount to not less than 200.

Elaboration of the dictionaries is made in Excel tables (Annex 2 to Tender File). Language of the dictionaries’ entries – Ukrainian.

The minimum number of the dictionaries is 7 (seven), however, the tenderer can offer more dictionaries that are relevant for the monitoring areas and cover aspects described in clauses 3.3. and 3.4 of Section B of the Tender File.


Attachments to the present announcement contain full description of the terms and conditions of the consultants’ involvement, please download them and read them carefully:

  1. Tender File/Terms of Reference
  2. Act of Engagement
  3. Annex 1
  4. Annex 2

[1] The Act of Engagement must be completed, signed and scanned in its entirety (i.e. including all the pages). The scanned Act of Engagement may be sent page by page (attached to a single email) or as a compiled document, although a compiled document would be preferred. For all scanned documents, .pdf files are preferred.

Kyiv, Ukraine 26 April 2019
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