Back DEJURE Foundation has received a grant to conduct research and raise awareness about the rights of children in the conditions of war

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Council Of Europe Project "Protecting the Rights of Ukrainian Children during and in post-war context" continues to actively work to raise awareness about the problems of violations of child rights under martial law in Ukraine. In order to identify and research violations of child rights, the project has awarded a grant to a non-governmental organisation DEJURE Foundation within the framework of a competitive selection process.

The armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which has been ongoing since 2014, continues to cause harm to Ukrainian children. According to official data as of December 2023, more than 500 children were killed, more than 1,000 children were injured, and more than 19,000 were deported or forcibly displaced. According to CES researchers estimates the number of Ukrainian children who went abroad as of May 2023 ranges from 2 to 2.5 million. Armed aggression also affects children who remain in Ukraine in relatively safe regions: children are separated from one of their parents due to service in the Armed Forces, suffer educational losses and are under prolonged stress.

At the same time, the research by DEJURE Foundation revealed a tendency that indicates a violation of the rights and interests of children due to the fact that children are essentially used to evade restrictions related to the introduction of martial law in Ukraine. This refers to the situations when, in order to receive a deferral from conscription for military service during mobilisation, the child's parents apply to the court in cases of children's residence, custody of children, parental rights, etc. In such cases, where the rights and interests of the child are concerned, the best interests of the child must be ensured and the child's opinion taken into account.

The objectives of the research under the grant include:

  • identifying categories of cases that relate to the rights and interests of children, where there is an increased risk of abuse in order to avoid restrictions related to the introduction of martial law in Ukraine,
  • analysing such cases through the prism of compliance with child-friendly justice standards in accordance with the Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on child-friendly justice,
  • conducting an in-depth review of the circumstances of decision-making in cases for abnormal speed of consideration, filing of rolling claims, interference with the auto-distribution system, and other signs that indicate abuse,
  • developing recommendations for representatives of the government and the judiciary aimed at ensuring the best interests of the child under martial law in the context of the problem under study.

The research under the grant will be implemented and presented by 30 June 2024.

Kyiv, Ukraine 16 January 2024
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