Back EU-Ukraine Integration: Key Chapter 23 Screening Completed

EU-Ukraine Integration: Key Chapter 23 Screening Completed

Ukraine and the European Union recently concluded bilateral meetings in Brussels to advance Ukraine's EU membership negotiations. A key focus was Chapter 23, "Judiciary and Fundamental Rights." The Ukrainian delegation presented detailed reports and proposals, highlighting progress made in aligning Ukrainian legislation with EU standards.

The joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe, “Support for implementing European standards relating to anti-discrimination and rights of national minorities in Ukraine” has been instrumental in supporting Ukraine's efforts. The project has provided expert assistance to government agencies, including the Ministry of Justice and the State Service for Ethno-Politics, in preparing for the screening process. This involved assessing Ukraine's compliance with European standards and the EU acquis on non-discrimination, minority rights, hate speech, and other fundamental freedoms. The project assisted preparing relevant presentations and reports.

Chapter 23 is considered a fundamental milestone in the negotiation process, along with Chapter 24, "Justice, Freedom, Security." Successful completion of these chapters is a prerequisite for closing other negotiation areas, since encompassing human rights and rule of law issues.

The joint project has also helped Ukraine conduct 6 mock negotiations to familiarize government officials with the process. Going forward, the project will continue to provide expert support, particularly in developing laws in line with European standards, and a roadmap for addressing the rights of national minorities, as part of the upcoming stages of the negotiation process. To date, the project ensured reaching out an impressive total of 340 civil servants with sessions focused on awareness on the stages of EU accession negotiations.


Kyiv, Ukraine 30 SEPTEMBER 2024
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