Back Presentation of Substance Use Rehabilitation Programme

Presentation of Substance Use Rehabilitation Programme

On November 8, 2023, a draft of the correctional programme for convicts who use psychoactive substances was presented. The presentation, development of the programme and its manual was supported by the Joint Project "The European Union and the Council of Europe are working together to support prison reform in Ukraine Plus (SPERU+)".

The programme is intended for adult male and female convicts in correctional institutions and remand centers of the State Department for Execution of the Criminal Sanctions of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as SDECSU).

"It should be emphasized that the programme is designed as a cognitive-behavioral therapy to enable participants (both men and women) to reduce the harms associated with the use of psychoactive substances and to facilitate the process of change and the choice of further treatment," - said Erlend Falch, Deputy Head of the Office of the Council of Europe in Ukraine.

Olena Vysotska, Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine, thanked SPERU+ Project for cooperation and readiness to assist with implementing modern approaches to penitentiary management. Also, Olena Vysotska noted: "It is important that all SDECSU staff understands that these are new, modern work tools that must be used every day."

The Council of Europe continues to support the penitentiary system of Ukraine in the transition from a punitive to a rehabilitative approach. "In this context, efforts are being made to meet the growing demand for social rehabilitation programs in the penitentiary system of Ukraine," - Erlend Falk added.

Nataliya Rybalka, deputy head of the State Department for Execution of the Criminal Sanctions of Ukraine, noted: "Such a programme will help to change the position and outlook of convicts in prisons. Piloting this program in correctional institutions, as well as training staff on its daily application, will effectively demonstrate us at what special aspects of the program we need to pay attention."

The draft of the programme for the rehabilitation of convicts who abuse psychoactive substances was developed and presented by the international consultants of the SPERU+ Project Olivera Vulich Kral and Catherine Kremer.

They emphasized that the programme will contain 14 classes that can be implemented both individually (in particular in the form of online classes) and in group forms. Experts pointed out the importance of considering gender aspects during implementation, including a motivational block for stopping the use of psychoactive substances, building skills to overcome the urge to use alcohol and drugs, and resisting peer pressure, which will help minimize the risks of disruptions in the future.

Olga Derkach, head of the SPERU+ Project, noted: "The programme is written in a professional, but at the same time easy-to-understand language. It will help create a favorable climate in penitentiary institutions for the development of a more rehabilitative approach to convicts, where resocialization will be among the priorities."

Additional information:

“European Union and Council of Europe working together to support the Prison Reform in Ukraine Plus” (SPERU+ Project) is the fourth component of the Joint Project of the European Union and the Council of Europe “European Union and Council of Europe working together to strengthening human rights in Ukraine” which is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

SPERU+ Project is fully in line with the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” 2023-2026. Particularly, the Project will address the objective of ‘continued support to the authorities in building modern prison and probation systems with a focus on shifting from punitive to rehabilitative approaches in the context of war and post-war recovery period’.

SPERU+ Project builds on the results achieved within the EU and the Council of Europe Joint Project “Support the Prison Reform in Ukraine” (JP SPERU) as well as on the strategic goals and reform plans adopted by the Government of Ukraine in the Strategy for Penitentiary Reform 2021-2026 towards “creation of a humane system of execution of criminal sanctions, that will guarantee the safety in the society and ensure social adaptation of inmates”.



Kyiv, Ukraine 08 November 2023
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