Back Safer Internet Day 2022 – "Together for a better internet"

Safer Internet Day 2022 –

8th February 2022 marks the 18th Safer Internet Day. Safeguarding and promoting the rights of the child in the digital environment and keeping them safe online are at the heart of our work. The right to access and safe use of technologies remains one of the key priorities in the upcoming Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022–2027). The Council of Europe is strongly committed to fighting sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children online, through the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Convention) and bilateral and regional projects.

With the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2022, the Council of Europe invites partners from government institutions and non-governmental organizations to focus on this topic and join in the various activities and actions.

The Council of Europe's awareness resources and campaigns are aimed at various target groups - children, young people, parents, educators and responsible persons - to encourage all people to contribute to a safer Internet.

Thus, the Council of Europe proposes for dissemination some of our latest materials and tools, which are now available in Ukrainian as a direct result of to the Council of Europe Project “Combating violence against children in Ukraine”.

Handbook for the policy makers on the rights of the child in the digital environment - with this Handbook we aim to support policy makers in our member states in the formulation of national frameworks and policies, as well as provide interpretative and practical step-by-step guidance to ensure the respect of children’s rights online.

  • Leaflet Learn about your rights in the digital environment for children and young people under the age of 18 represents a child-friendly and appealing presentation of the Council of Europe Guidelines to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment.
  • Internet Literacy Handbook is destined for a broad public including families, educators, policy makers.
  • Parents and caregivers can find useful information in the Council of Europe manual Parenting in the Digital Age (accompanied by six video tutorials) that targets five online risks of a sexual nature ("sextortion", "sexting", sex-chatting, grooming and sexualised images used in revenge - "revenge porn").
  • Recent Kiko and the Manymes materials featuring children’s beloved character friend Kiko who embarks on new adventures discovering screens and the misuse of pictures in the online environment have proved to be particularly successful and useful.

The Council of Europe Project “Combating violence against children in Ukraine” has been extended further until 2023. Within the framework of the Project, among other activities, it is planned to carry out a series of actions to raise awareness on the risks of online child sexual exploitation and abuse and promote digital literacy and safe use of Internet for children in Ukraine.

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Kyiv, Ukraine 8 February 2022
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