Back Seminar for the new Ukrainian delegation to the Congress to enhance involvement and cooperation in the Congress and the Council of Europe

Seminar for the new Ukrainian delegation to the Congress to enhance involvement and cooperation in the Congress and the Council of Europe

The members of the Ukrainian Delegation to the Congress, headed by Liliia Pashynna (ILDG) participated in an online seminar on 14 and 21 April 2021 to learn more about the Council of Europe and the Congress and to exchange on their roles and potential for deeper involvement in the work of the Congress, the European Charter of Local Self Government and the Congress specific work in Ukraine. They also learnt about experiences of Ukrainian national associations of local and regional authorities and the benefits that these associations and their members enjoy from participation in the work of European networks and forums.

Congress Secretary General Andreas Kiefer, Mariia Mezentseva, Chairperson of the Ukrainian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and Ambassador Borys Tarasyuk, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the Council of Europe also participated in the seminar and called upon the members of the delegation to seize the opportunities offered by the Council of Europe and the Congress in particular.

On this occasion, Ambassador Borys Tarasyuk reaffirmed the Ukrainian Government’s strong commitment to the effective development of relations and dialogue between national and local authorities, and their involvement in defining state priorities which will ensure national unity and at the same time preserve regional and local specificities.

The webinar was organised as part of the project “Strengthening democracy and building trust at local level in Ukraine” implemented by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities within the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine 2018‑2021. The project aims to improve the quality of local democracy in Ukraine by strengthening institutional frameworks and by supporting local authorities and their national associations in their efforts to promote ethical decision-making and more citizen-oriented, inclusive and transparent local governance.

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