Back The competence of trainers of the programme “Participatory Youth Policy” has been strengthened

The competence of trainers of the programme “Participatory Youth Policy” has been strengthened

On 18 April 2024 the session of online workshops for trainers (teachers) of providers – participants of the educational and practical programme “Participatory Youth Policy” was completed.

The educational and practical programme during from November 2023 to August 2024 is being implemented by the Council of Europe Project “Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: Phase III” in co-operation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Association of Youth Councils. The programme is based on the developed and approved Model general short-term training programme “Participatory Youth Policy”. The purpose of the Model programme is to increase the level of professional competencies of civil servants and local self-government officials in order to ensure the participation of youth in the formation and implementation of youth policy, taking into account the standards and approaches of the Council of Europe.

Within the framework of the programme, a training manual was developed, based on which training for trainers was conducted, a series of videos of youth participation practices was filmed, mentoring and expert support to the trainers team in the preparation and implementation of training at the regional and local levels is being provided.

Between February and April 2024 during 16 workshops a space for (mutual) training of trainers of the educational and practical programme “Participatory Youth Policy” was created, topics of the Model programme “Participatory Youth Policy”  were updated in memory, the content of the training manual for conducting training according to the Model Programme was adapted to the online format, specific aspects of conducting educational activities were discussed, in particular, elements of online facilitation, group dynamics, tools of non-formal education, ensuring an inclusive educational space, reactions to difficult situations, conflict resolution, a space for improving the trainers competencies of teachers (trainers) of providers has been created.

“The most useful thing was to feel the real interest of the Council of Europe in strengthening the youth policy and youth work.”

Quotation from the evaluation form of the training of trainers of the educational and practical programme “Participatory Youth Policy”.

The project “Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: Phase III” is implemented within the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine 2023-2026 and is based on the results and experience of the projects “Youth for Democracy in Ukraine” in 2020-2022.  The project will expand the systematic impact by strengthening youth participation policies and youth work during the war and in the post-war context, taking into account the specific needs of young people.

The project “Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: Phase III” highlights the importance  of the Council of Europe's Youth Sector Strategy 2030 and reflects the National Strategy of State Youth Policy until 2030, the State Target Social Programme "Youth of Ukraine" 2021-2025.

The project encourages youth policy stakeholders in Ukraine to implement and disseminate the Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers to Member States: on the access of youth from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights, CM/Rec(2015)3on young people's access to rights, CM/Rec(2016)7on youth work, CM/Rec(2017)4on Roma youth participation CM/Rec(2023)4on protecting youth civil society and young people, and supporting their participation in democratic processes CM/Rec(2022)6.

News, Council of Europe resources in the field of youth and open announcements for participation in project activities can be found here.

Kyiv, Ukraine 24 April 2024
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