Back The European Union and the Council of Europe support the Ukrainian authorities in the implementation of the priority reforms towards the alignment with European standards and practice

The European Union and the Council of Europe support the Ukrainian authorities in the implementation of the priority reforms towards the alignment with European standards and practice

The European Union and the Council of Europe, together with representatives of national authorities, partner institutions and civil society organisations gathered for the Local Steering Committee meeting of the Partnership for Good Governance Programme. It was an opportunity to take stock of the progress and main results achieved in all key programme areas since 2023 and present the planned activities for 2024.

“The Partnership for Good Governance is seen as an essential tool in the context of systemic work to bring national legislation and practice closer to European standards”, mentioned Serhii Shablii, Head of Division of the Council of Europe, Human Rights and Gender Issues, Department General for International Organisations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, PGG National Co-ordinator. “The targeted technical assistance and the Quick Response Mechanism provided timely and effective legislative expertise and policy consultations” and “they are a good examples of synergies in co-operation between the EU, the Council of Europe and partners and contribute to achieving Ukraine's strategic goal of becoming part of a united Europe”, stated Mr Shablii.

The importance of the Partnership for Good Governance for Ukraine in its EU path was highlighted by Asier Santillán, Head of Section European Integration, Governance and Rule of Law, Civil Society at the EU Delegation to Ukraine. “Through their expertise and activities, all the Partnership for Good Governance national and regional projects make a tangible contribution to Ukraine's path to full EU membership. Therefore, it is important to focus on the support to effectively implementing the European Enlargement recommendations”, mentioned Mr Santillán.

Claus Neukirch, Director of Programme Co-ordination, Council of Europe, mentioned that “by supporting the country’s efforts to enhance governance, transparency, and rule of law, aligning with European standards. The Partnership for Good Governance, helps strengthen democratic institutions and practices, fostering a more accountable and efficient government and assisting the Ukrainian authorities to implement the reform priorities of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine "Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction" 2023-2026, based on the Council of Europe's standard-setting work, relevant judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and the latest findings and recommendations of the Council of Europe's monitoring and advisory bodies.”

Three country-specific projects are implemented in Ukraine, with a total budget of 1.6 million euros, co-funded by the EU and the Council of Europe. These projects build on the results of the previous phases and aim at strengthening measures to prevent and combat economic crime, enhancing anti-money laundering, countering the financing of terrorism and strengthening the asset recovery regime, supporting the development of the constitutional justice  and combating hate speech in Ukraine.

At regional level, three projects are implemented in the Eastern Partnership countries, including Ukraine. The regional projects aim at fighting economic crime, promoting equality and non-discrimination, and advancing women’s access to justice. Their goal is to provide a platform where experience and good practices can be shared, and, where relevant, complement country-specific projects.

 Find out more about the work of the Partnership for Good Governance in Ukraine

 Find out more about the Partnership for Good Governance Programme​​

This event is part of the European Union and Council of Europe joint programme “Partnership for Good Governance”, co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Kyiv, Ukraine 6 June 2024
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Action Plan 2023-2026


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