Back The EYF special call for activities in support of young people from Ukraine: experience, ideas, rules

The EYF special call for activities in support of young people from Ukraine: experience, ideas, rules

The  Council of Europe project “Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: Phase III” jointly with EYF organised an information session about the special call to support young people from Ukraine on 7 June 2023 in Ukrainian and English.

Following the decision of the Council of Europe’s Joint Council of Youth on 12 October 2022, the European Youth Foundation (EYF) has launched a special call to support young people from Ukraine. This initiative responds to the current needs expressed by the Ukrainian authorities and stakeholders in the field of youth.

Up to mid-May 2023, 10 pilot activities were supported within the call. Furthermore, in May 2023, the Programming Committee on Youth decided to continue the call and allow for applications to be submitted both for pilot activity grants and for international activity grants. The special call includes two types of grants available:

During the infossesion the representatives from organisations supported by the European Youth Foundation presented their experience and projects:

Projects can be submitted at any time during the period from 3 November 2022 to 31 October 2023 or until the funds are exhausted.

Find out more about the EYF special call in support of young people from Ukraine -

The Project «Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: Phase III» is carried out in the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine 2023-2026 and was built on the results and experience of the projects “Youth for Democracy in Ukraine” in 2020-2022. The Project will extend the systematic influence by strengthening participatory youth policies and reinforce youth work in the war and in a post war context, taking into account the specific needs of young people.

Kyiv, Ukraine 7 June 2023
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