Why is effective social dialogue a crucial factor in Ukraine's European integration? The answer can be found in the analytical review available at the link (available only in Ukrainian).
The primary goal of social dialogue is to foster democratic participation and achieve consensus among representatives of the governments, employers, and employees in social and labour relations. Through social dialogue, significant labour rights and guarantees have been established internationally, including the eight-hour workday, maternity protection, the prohibition of child labour, and workplace safety and health standards.
“Strengthening social dialogue is key to enhancing the institutional capacity of social partners, trade unions, and employers' organizations. This will accelerate Ukraine’s accession to the EU and contribute to the development of stable social and labour relations in the country,” emphasized Mr Dmytro Kukhniuk, Head of the National Mediation and Conciliation Service.
In this publication, Ms Yana Simutina, Doctor of Law and national expert of the Council of Europe, provides an in-depth analysis of European standards on social dialogue and Ukraine’s commitments in this area, specifically:
- Social dialogue in the EU acquis and its adaptation in Ukraine;
- Social dialogue within the European Social Charter (revised) through the practice of the European Committee of Social Rights;
- Ukraine’s compliance with the Charter’s provisions based on the European Committee of Social Rights' conclusions regarding Ukraine.
The findings emphasize the need to strengthen social dialogue at the national level and enhance the institutional capacity of trade unions and employers' organizations. This includes aligning Ukraine’s labour legislation and practices with European standards. Another key step is Ukraine’s accession to the collective complaints’ procedure under the Additional Protocol to the Charter. This would reinforce labour and social rights, improve social dialogue, and provide clear recommendations for aligning national legislation and practices with European standards.
More information on the Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter Providing for a System of Collective Complaints, can be found in the video.
The analytical review was prepared within the framework of the Council of Europe project “Enhanced social protection in Ukraine” which is being implemented within the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” for 2023-2026, with the aim of improving social protection for vulnerable groups, particularly those affected by the war.