Back Ukraine Police exchanges with peers on the role of law enforcement in preventing discrimination and promoting diversity

Ukraine Police exchanges with peers on the role of law enforcement in preventing discrimination and promoting diversity

peer-to-peer workshop between the Portuguese and Ukrainian police was, organised on 7 December 2023, provided a platform for exchange of experiences on the prevention of discrimination and promotion of diversity in the remit of law enforcement work.

At the opening, Erlend Falck, Deputy Head of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine, stated: “Law enforcement plays an important role in promoting human rights, equality and diversity, with specific attention towards vulnerable groups. The work of police is of highest importance – as it contributes to the fact that victims of discrimination are fully protected, and appropriate preventive measures are likewise introduced.  

Volodymyr Zakharenko, Deputy Head of Department of Main Inspection and Human Rights of the National Police of Ukraine, emphasised that “in these difficult times for the country, the Ukrainian Police remains committed to promoting equality and non-discrimination, and appreciates the exchange opportunities with peers from other European countries - for providing broader a perspective and information on practical tools that can be used in combating discrimination.”

During the workshop, good practices where presented, including on promoting equality and diversity, on the legal framework for community policing, as well as on various complex aspects relating to the working in diverse communities. The significance of engaging with schools as a starting point for raising awareness on equality and diversity in everyday life was also underlined

Following the presentations, a constructive discussion enabled further exploration of good practices and possibilities for integrating some of them into the work of police in Ukraine. This workshop once again confirmed the importance of synergies and cooperation between all law enforcement representatives from European countries - for better response to cases of discrimination and further protect and promote equality and non- discrimination, in line with European standards and good practices. The contacts and exchanges stem directly as a result of the network training launched under the Regional antidiscrimination project, component for law enforcement representatives of the Partnership for Good Governance, which took place in Strasbourg, in October. It allowed beneficiary Police Administrations to meet directly with various peers, including from the Portuguese police.

The event organised in cooperation with the National Police of Ukraine is part of the joint European Union and Council of Europe programme "Partnership for Good Governance”, co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, and implemented by the Council of Europe, in the framework of the project  “Combating hate speech in Ukraine”.

Kyiv, Ukraine 7 December 2023
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