Back Call for tender – Purchase of social media data scraping services during 2019 Presidential elections in Ukraine for the Council of Europe Project “Supporting the transparency, inclusiveness and integrity of electoral practice in Ukraine”

The Council of Europe project “Supporting the transparency, inclusiveness and integrity of electoral practice in Ukraine” (hereinafter “the Project”), implemented within the Action Plan for Ukraine 2018-2021, is launching a tender procedure for purchase of social media data scraping services during 2019 Presidential elections in Ukraine in order to provide the media monitors with requested materials / statistical data from social media networks (Facebook, Twitter) to be processed with regard to analyzing media coverage of 2019 Presidential elections in Ukraine.

Expected duration of the provided services: 14 January 2019 – 21 April 2019 (tentatively)

All offers should be sent to indicating “8564_2019_11_TENDER_SM_DATA_SCRAPING” in the e-mail subject line by 13:00 on 11 January 2019 (Kyiv time).

All questions shall be submitted by 11:00 on 10 January 2019 (Kyiv time) and shall be exclusively addressed to the email address with the following reference in the e-mail subject: “QUESTIONS_8564_2019_11_TENDER_SM_DATA_ SCRAPING”.

Eligibility criteria

  • natural person, or a private entrepreneur duly registered in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation, or a legal person duly registered in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation, except consortia, having legal grounds to provide the respective services;
  • previous professional experience in the field of social media data scraping.

Expected services

It is planned that the media monitoring will also include social media monitoring of Facebook and Twitter social networks, particularly, but not limited to:

-    Facebook / Twitter pages of candidates and political parties (10 – 15 top candidates);

-    Facebook / Twitter pages of online media (TV and online);

-    Facebook / Twitter pages of opinion makers (10 – 15).

Throughout the duration of the engagement, pre-selected Providers may be asked to provide social media data scraping services which might include but not be limited to:

-    data mining with R;

-    conduct of an in-depth research in leveraging large and complex data sets using statistical methods and tools such as R;

-    support project in questionnaire design and interpreting/quantifying qualitative data with regard to provide, on a daily basis, the media monitors with requested materials to be processed with regard to monitoring media coverage of 2019 Presidential elections in Ukraine.

The tenderers are requested to propose the most efficient way of transmitting the requested materials / statistical data to the monitors on a daily basis (by 9:00 the next day following the day when the requested data is gathered).

Documents to be provided

  • A completed and signed copy of the Act of Engagement (See below);
  • A detailed CV (for a natural person) /  professional profile (for a private entrepreneur duly registered in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation or a legal person duly registered in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation), demonstrating clearly that the tenderer fulfils the eligibility criteria;
  • Registration documents (scanned copy of the originals in Ukrainian) – only for a private entrepreneur or a legal person; 
  • Technical proposal describing: a) the methods / procedure suggested for social media data scraping services and transmitting the collected materials / statistical data to the monitors; b) technical and human resources capacity to provide the requested services;
  • Minimum 3 (three) referees' contact details to prove the previous professional experience in the field of social media data scraping.

All documents shall be submitted in English, save scanned copies of the registration documents to be provided by a private entrepreneur or a legal person.

Attachments to the present announcement contain full description of the terms and conditions of the providers’ involvement:

  1. Tender File/Terms of Reference
  2. Act of Engagement
Kyiv, Ukraine 04 January 2019
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